2. First Day of Senior Year

Start from the beginning

Being a lesbian didn't even help either. He was a homophobe and thought that guys and girls should never be equals. Simply put he's a sexist that thought girls should only work as a mother or a wife.

So yeah, I hated him a lot.

After ten minutes, I got to school and went to the administrative office to get my timetable.

After receiving it, I went over to my assigned locker for this year. I opened it and took the books out which I would need for today.

Just when I closed my locker, I was pushed hard into it.

Knowing who had done it, I just stayed silent and held in the pain that was shooting through my shoulder.

Laughter boomed through the hall way which was now filled with students.

"Little Dyke is gonna stay mute forever, huh?" He mockingly said.

I was still facing the locker with an expressionless face. I didn't want to tell him that his push had hurt me. I wanted to stay strong in front of him. I wanted to tell him that his stupid antics wouldn't weaken me even if he tried forever.

Slowly I faced him with no emotion. I saw that the students were gathered around us waiting for some action. Behind Jordon was Kyle, who had a vacant look in his eyes, as if he wasn't affected by anything in the slightest bit.

"Ooh, the dyke's looking at me, I think she's gonna hit me." He said breaking into laughter again.

I ignored his disgusting laughter and started to walk away from him.

He gripped my arm hard and pushed me towards the lockers again. He had his eyes fixated on me and his nose flaring.

He was angry, why? Because I ignored him. He jerked me away from the lockers just to push me back again.

I forced the pain to not be seen on my face. I remained emotionless.

"You better not ignore me again or I'd totally hurt you more than I do now." He said with anger evident in his tone of voice.

He let me go and walked away from the crowd towards his class, I think.

Slowly, the crowd also disappeared leaving me alone in the hall way.

I picked up my books that had fallen because of Jordan's pushing and started to go to my first class too.

My shoulder was aching really much but I was just ignoring the pain like I did for the last three years. Pain had become like second nature to me. It didn't hurt as much as it did before. Maybe because the pain was gone?

No, the pain was there. I just got used to it.

I entered my class and whispers began among the other students.

I was used to the whispers and the stares so I just went to the back of the class and sat down on the seat beside the window.

A while later the class was filled with students and the teacher arrived in the class.

"Okay class. Settle down." He said to the class who was talking but quieted down once he began speaking.

I zoned him out and looked out the window at the blue sky.

How I wish I could fly in the sky like a bird. Birds are such lucky creatures, they get to be free and they get to fly.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and whipped my head to the source of the tap.

I was met by green, lots of green. Wait, there were specks of grey too.

So, grayish green. Beautiful.

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