[2] Waking Up In Another World - A LOTR Fanfiction

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Chapter 2:

What I saw was Rivendell, a place from Lord of the Rings. I had watched the movies enough times to recognize it – but how? How could I go to bed one night, and then wake up inside somewhere else?

I needed to find out if this really was Rivendell, or just some rich person’s house.

By the time I got to the gate, I already knew that this was not somebody’s house. It was to perfect. It was flawless, and the leaves fell to the ground like in the book.

I banged on the gate, and a girl with POINTY EARS opened it.

“Yes?” – she asked.

“Could I come in?” – I asked a little awed by the inside.

“Yes, of course.” – she answered.

“Where do you hail from?” – she questioned you, as I followed her across the stone courtyard.

“Urm. Um.” – I was stumped. I hadn’t thought of what to say if I was asked that question. But instead of answering I just said,

‘Is Gandalf here?’

She looked up sharply with one eyebrow raised. ‘As a matter of fact – he is. He is with his friend right now. Perhaps you could wait here?’

She gestured to a bench covered in ivy – so that is where I sat.

She glided up a staircase, but she never turned her head away from me. I watched her right back. Finally the pillar on the stairs broke our eye contact, and she disappeared through a door.

“Weird!” – I thought to myself as I waited for her to return.

As I waited I surveyed the area, the place was very clean – but not freakishly so. The leaves in the courtyard didn’t look messy – but tidy, if you know what I mean.

After a while the elf (that is what she must be) came back down the steps with Gandalf.

When Gandalf reached the bottom of the steps, I stood up and gave a sort of small bow. It was the polite thing to do.

Gandalf walked over, fairly spry even though he was ancient.

The elf girl disappeared. Not literally – she just slipped away silently, so I didn’t see her go.

‘No need to bow. Why do you seek my council?’ – he asked me.

I explained the entire thing, from where I came from to how I woke up, and I was not there, and then how this place was just a story in my world.

Gandalf listened, and nodded, and listened some more.

“I see. You know, that same story I heard this morning. Maybe you know her?” – he gestured to the stairs, and I heard and excited scream.

Truthfully – all I saw was a blur, before I was smashed across the courtyard. Ouch.

I got to my feet slowly, and painfully – but I did get up!

I cried out happily when I saw who knocked my over.



Yes, that’s right! My sister is here to. In Middle Earth. In Rivendell. Talking to Gandalf.

She started to talk very quickly, ‘You wouldn’t believe it! This morning I woke up, and I was in the forest! I walked around for a while, but I found here – and I recognized it! So I came in and asked for Gandalf! And look! You’re here to!’

I leaned a little bit away from her. Her enthusiasm was a little out of place I thought. I mean were Mom, Dad, and my little sister Aqi here to?

My sister seemed to read my mind, “I haven’t seen Mom, Dad or Aqi – but I have only been here since this morning!”

I reached over and gave her a small pat on the back – I wasn’t one for hugs.

My sister Zena is eighteen years old. She loves art, art, and archery. Got you there didn’t I? She started archery lessons just after watching Lord of the Rings. Guess who her favourite character was? Yep. Legolas. Ah-wait. Don’t confuse her with a screaming fan, because she isn’t. She might be a little hyper, and odd, but she liked the character, and the looks. Not just the looks.

She is going to be studying at an art-type University or College in the next few years.

Anyway, back to the present.

“You say that where you come from – this world is a story?” – Gandalf questioned me.

“Erm-yes, it is actually” – I told him.

“Then you must know how it ends.” – he said.

“I do. But – now that we are here, it screws up the whole time-line. You talking to us were never in the storyline.”

“I suppose.” – Gandalf said muttering to himself. “I believe what you are talking about is – inter-dimensional travel – or in hopping worlds, the only problem is – we don’t know how you got here, or how to get you back. I don’t like to say it – but you could be stuck here – forever.”

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