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We were quickly coming up on the new year. Once the clock hit midnight on December 31st/January 1st, Sam and I would be entering our 29th year of life. And I would be celebrating 3 years of knowing Sam and Dean. The older you get, the more you start to wonder where the heck the time is going. Being alone for so many years, I never really paid any mind to the passage of time. While everyone was out partying, ringing in the new year, and making their resolutions, I was sitting at home reading a book or I offered to work so my co-workers could go enjoy their parties. This year was going to be the first year that I actually had something to look forward to, and the boys and I had all agreed we were going to make some resolutions of our own. Sam and I agreed to allow Dean to purchase some alcoholic beverages to celebrate the occasion, as long as he didn't go overboard. It was only going to be the three of us, and we didn't want him to fall back into his old habits. While Dean was out shopping, Sam and I were fixing dinner together. "So what are your resolutions for 2012?" Sam asked me. "I really only have one," I admitted. "And that is to set a date for us to get married." "Funny you should say that," Sam said. "I was thinking the same thing." I smiled at him and said, "This is why we make such a great couple. We think alike, we finish each other's thoughts and sentences, and we both have such huge hearts." He gave me a kiss then said, "What do you think Dean's resolution is going to be?" "I couldn't even begin to guess," I told him. "He has a lot of resolutions he could attempt for the coming year." We heard the front door open and close, signaling Dean had returned from his trip to the liquor store. He made his way into the kitchen, and surprisingly had a very small amount of purchases with him. "I figured we could make mixed drinks," he told us. "Give the beer a rest for a while. I'm confident I will NOT get hooked on this stuff." I pulled the bottles out of the bag and took a look. "I'm guessing strawberry daquiris, bloody marys, and white russians?" "How'd you know that?" Dean asked, surprised. "I was a bartender for about 6 months when I was 21," I told him. "Are there any other secrets you are keeping from us?" Sam asked, smiling. "I guess you'll just have to wait and see," I said, winking. "Is dinner almost ready?" Dean asked. "I'm starving." "It's done," I told him. "Sam, sweetie, would you mind setting the table? I'll bring dinner out." Sam took three plates and some silverware out to the dining room and Dean followed behind. After I set all the food out on the table, I asked the boys what they wanted to drink. "I'll take a white russian," Dean said. "Surprise me," Sam said. "I shall return," I told them. I went back into the kitchen, got out my blender, and fixed Dean's drink first. After washing the pieces, I made strawberry daquiris for myself and Sam, then brought all three drinks out to the dining room. I handed the boys their drinks and took my seat at the table. "The food looks great," Dean said. "You two make a really good team." Sam and I looked at each other and laughed. "We just established this right before you got home," I told him. "Let's eat." When dinner was over, Dean offered to do the dishes, so Sam and I went and got comfortable on the couch. Dean joined us about ten minutes later and turned on the television. "Only 5 hours left in 2011," he pointed out. "Have you two thought about your resolutions yet?" "Funny you should mention that," Sam answered. "It turns out that Sammi and I made the same resolution." "Oh really?" Dean seemed curious. "We both decided that we're going to finally sit down and decide a date for us to get married," I told him. "It's about time," Dean said. "I mean, I know you haven't been engaged that long, but it's one less headache you'll have to worry about down the line." "What about you?" I asked him. "What's your resolution for 2012? "To take vacations more often," he answered. "These last few months have been eye opening for me. We get so caught up in our work that we never take time for ourselves. We don't have to be superheroes. We can live a little now and then." "I like that resolution," I told him. "Me too," Sam agreed. "Anyone care for another drink?" I asked. "I'll take a bloody mary," Dean said. "Another strawberry daquiri for me, babe," Sam said. I got up and went into the kitchen to make more drinks. I grabbed a water for myself, though. My stomach can only handle so much alcohol in one sitting. I brought the drinks out to the living room and handed them to the boys. Taking my seat back on the couch next to Sam, I asked, "So what do you guys want to watch?" "How about something funny?" Dean suggested. "I'm down for funny," Sam said. "How about you baby?" "Funny is good," I agreed. Dean flipped through the channels until he found a comedy station. We watched some stand up, a few comedy sketch shows, and one movie. Before we knew it, midnight was only 15 minutes away. Dean changed the channel until he found one that was airing the ball drop. I'm not sure why, but I got a sudden chill as we were sitting there waiting for the last 15 minutes of 2011 to pass. "Are you alright, sweetie?" Sam asked. "Yeah," I said. "This is just the first time in years that I am actually looking forward to a new year." "That's because you have a lot to look forward to now," Dean said. "You were alone for so long, that you really had nothing to get excited about." "That is so true," I agreed. "Only 5 minutes left!" Dean said, excitedly. We watched in silence as the cameras panned through Times Square. "I have to give all of those people a lot of credit," I said. "I've been to New York in the winter time. The temperatures can be very brutal." "I'd attempt it," Dean said. "That's because you're crazy," Sam teased. "Shhh," I told them. "1 minute to go!" We watched as the timer on the television went from 60 seconds slowly down to 0. When the ball got to the bottom and those big numbers lit up the screen, I jumped up and screamed, "Happy New Year!" Sam and Dean laughed, but they both said, "Happy New Year!" Since it IS tradition, I turned my attention to Sam and gave him a new year's kiss. Then being the sweetheart I am, I walked over to Dean and planted one kiss on each cheek. I also gave him a hug. When we got all the new year's love out of our systems, I joined Sam on the couch once again. Dean looked over at us and said, "Let's all resolve to make 2012 one of our best years yet!" How could anyone say no to that?

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