Mind Games

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So let's recap: My dad and I were working on our relationship, which was going quite smoothly. My sister had informed me that we had another brother (who I didn't know about) that was also her twin. This brother, Declan, had called me a few weeks back to catch up on everything he had missed over the last 25 years. Of course I didn't tell him everything in one sitting, because what fun would that be? Besides, he had promised to try and keep in touch as much as possible, so I had time to give him the complete story of what had become of his baby sister. The boys and I had been laying low at Nana and Poppy's for quite some time now, and I was still nursing my broken arm. On the bright side, I only had about three weeks left before the cast could come off (if it had healed properly, of course). Things were going pretty good for me for a change...until my mind decided it wanted to mess with me so badly that I started believing my dreams were real. It started one night while I was cuddled up asleep next to Sam on the couch. I had no idea that what I was seeing was only a dream. After everything I had seen in reality, can you honestly blame me for thinking I was actually living my nightmares? I was walking through a forest, carrying a gun, and moving very slowly and quietly. I heard a noise coming from my left, so I turned to look and I saw Sam and Dean lying next to a tree, scratches all over, and they were both very still. I walked over to them to get a closer view and realized they were dead. Scared and confused, I hid behind the tree and watched through tears to see what I was dealing with and there it was...a damn Wendigo. I aimed my gun right at that sucker's head and shot him square through his brain. I watched him fall to the ground, waiting a few minutes to make sure he didn't try to get back up. When I figured it was safe, I walked back over to the boys and put my fingers on each of their necks hoping to find a pulse. Part of me knew that it was already too late, but I wanted to believe that there was still a chance they might be alive. I knelt down next to them and started bawling like a baby. "Why?!" I screamed out into the darkness. I started to shake with both anger and sadness, and that's when I felt a hand on my shoulder. Instinctively I reached out and swung into the air, not sure if I was about to punch someone or be stopped mid swing. I definitely connected with something, but I didn't know what until I heard Sam's voice say, "Ow! Baby, wake up. I think you're having a nightmare." The scene in front of me slowly disappeared and Sam's face came into focus. He was holding his right eye. "You're alive!" I said, giving him a big hug. "Of course I am, sweetie," he said. "You were dreaming. Must have been one heck of a dream too. You punched me in the eye." "I am so sorry, babe," I told him. "I was dreaming that you and Dean were killed by a Wendigo. I shot the creature, but it was too late for you guys. As I was crying over your dead bodies, someone touched my shoulder..." "And you instinctively swung thinking it might be another supernatural being," Sam finished. "Something like that," I said. "I didn't hit you too hard, did I?" "No," Sam assured me. "Just caught me off guard, that's all." "It felt so real," I told him. "I guess I have seen so much in reality that my head decided to play tricks on me in my sleep." "If it makes you feel any better, Dean and I sometimes have dreams like that too," Sam said. "It comes with the job, unfortunately." "Do they ever go away?" I asked. "They don't go away completely," Sam admitted, "but they become less and less over time." "So I'll just have to get used to them for now?" I said. "Hopefully for you, it won't be as bad as it was for us," Sam said. "You don't get to be in on the action that often, so it may not take as long for your brain to focus on the good dreams." "Well I know one thing for sure," I told him. "It's going to take me a long time to get back to sleep tonight." "Why don't you pick out a few movies and I'll go make some popcorn?" Sam suggested. "We can stay up together, for as long as it takes you to fall back asleep." "This is one of the many reasons why I love you, Sam Winchester," I said, giving him a kiss. I couldn't tell you how many movies we watched that night, but I can tell you that when I finally DID get to sleep again, I had nothing but good dreams for the rest of the night.

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