The Rescue

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When we pulled up to the spot where the shifter had first been seen, I recognized Dad's truck right away. "Can shifters kill, like demons can?" I asked the boys. "They can," Dean said, "but it would take a very weak person to fall prey to a shifter. Your dad is not weak." "Everything is going to be fine, baby," Sam reassured me. "We'll get your dad back in one piece." I nodded and watched from the back seat as Sam and Dean searched Dad's truck. As they started heading into the building, Dean turned back toward the car. "Aren't you coming?" he asked me. "I thought I was supposed to stay in the car?" I was confused. "I just told you that unless you're weak, a shifter can't hurt you," Dean said. "And you, my dear, are far from weak." That vote of confidence from Dean made me smile from ear to ear. I got out of the car, locked it up, and followed the boys into the vacant building. I looked around and saw a number of rooms, each with windows on the doors. "Those windows should make it easier to find out where this shifter is keeping my dad," I said. Sam and Dean started looking in the windows, hoping to find my dad, when I heard footsteps somewhere behind me. Startled, I froze in place as the boys continued to walk down the hallway. A few moments later, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I slowly turned to see what I was dealing with, and was staring right into my father's eyes. Something deep inside me told me that this was not actually my dad standing in front of me. "Where is he?" I asked. "Why Samantha, don't you know your own father when you see him?" he said. "Bullshit," I said. "My father does not call me Samantha. At least not anymore." Sam and Dean turned around and ran towards us. "Get your hands off her," Dean said. The shifter did as he was told. "I had no intention of hurting the girl," he said. "Even one handed I have no doubt that she could have hurt you worse," Dean told him. Sam turned to me and said, "You're not hurt, are you?" "No," I told him. "Go help Dean keep that shifter occupied. I'll go find my dad." He gave me a quick kiss, then joined his brother and the shifter. I walked up the hallway, starting where Sam and Dean left off, and quietly called, "Dad?" at every door. When I got to the end of the hallway, there was another hallway to the left. I started down that way, got about three doors in and heard, "Sammi? Is that you?" I tried to open the door, but it was locked from the inside. "Hang on, Dad," I said. "I'm going to get you out of there." With my good arm, I felt around in my pockets for anything I could use to pick the lock. I had never tried to pick a lock before, but there is a first time for everything, right? Luckily, I found a Swiss army knife in the pocket of the sweatshirt I was wearing (it was Sam's, by the way). I took the metal toothpick out and played around with the lock until I heard a popping noise. I actually did it! Carefully placing the toothpick back and putting the knife away, I opened the door and found my father tied up to a chair. "There's a knife in my coat pocket," he told me. Once again using my good arm, I reached inside his jacket, pulled out the knife, and cut away at the rope binding his hands and legs. When he was free, he gave me a huge hug and said, "Marissa called you, didn't she?" "She was really worried about you, dad," I told him. "I'm glad you gave her my number just in case something like this ever happens again." He smiled and said, "Let's go find the boys and get out of this dump." I grabbed my dad's hand and let him lead the way back to where I had left the boys. Sam and Dean turned in our direction, smiles on their faces, and the shifter was lying dead at their feet. "I see you found your dad," Dean said. "Yep," I told him. "He was locked in one of the rooms way on the other side of the building." "Locked in?" Sam asked. "And tied up," dad added. "How in the world did you open the door?" Dean wondered. "With this," I said, reaching for Sam's Swiss army knife, and pulling out the toothpick. "You picked the lock?" Sam was amazed. "First time ever," I said, smiling. "Is there nothing you CAN'T do?" Dean asked. "The girl cooks, she can kill with one shot, AND she can pick locks one-handed. Seriously, Sam, if you weren't marrying her, I sure as hell would." "She gets it from me," dad said, laughing. "And Poppy," I added with a smile. "I'd better get going and call Marissa," dad said. "Thanks for coming to my rescue." He held his hand out for the boys to shake, and gave me a hug. "We're family," I told him. "Anytime you need us, we'll be there." "Great seeing you again, Jim," Dean said. "Good seeing you boys as well," dad told him. "Hopefully next time we see each other it won't be a rescue mission." With that, he walked out the door and into the darkness. I turned to the boys and said, "What a night, huh?" Dean still had a look of amazement on his face. "What's wrong, Dean?" Sam asked. "Cat got your tongue?" "Who ARE you?" Dean said to me. "Are you sure you're not Super Girl disguised as a regular girl?" I couldn't help but laugh. "Let's get out of here and go get some food," I said. "I don't know about you guys, but that rescue mission made me awfully hungry." We walked out to the car, got in, and drove away into the night.

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