Freaky Friday (For Real!)

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Ten days after my emergency appendectomy, I was back in the hospital finally getting my cast removed. I sat and waited patiently while the doctor waited for the results of the X-rays he had taken. Please, God, let this guy have fixed it the right way! About ten minutes later, he walked back in the room and said, "Your arm has healed properly this time. You are officially cast free." "Thank goodness!" I exclaimed. "And thank you, doctor, for fixing it right this time." "Get out of here and go have some fun," he said. "But please be careful. Don't forget you're still healing from your surgery, too." I shook his hand and walked out to the car. Since the boys had joined Dad for another hunt, Dean left the car with me in case I needed it for anything other than my appointment. Even though I felt like celebrating my "freedom", I couldn't think of anything fun to do alone, so I drove myself back to the house and decided to find something to make for dinner later. I chose to make chicken Parmesan with pasta on the side, so I got out all the ingredients I would need, minus the ones that needed to stay cold. I checked the was only 2 in the afternoon. The boys would probably be back around 5:30, so I didn't need to prepare dinner until about 4:45. What was I to do until then? I decided I could probably use a little nap, so I set the timer on my phone for 4:30, snuggled up on the couch with my favorite sweatshirt (Sam's), and closed my eyes. You never realize just how loud your phone alarm sounds unless you are in a deep sleep. I jumped up from the couch and turned the alarm off, stretched, then made my way back to the kitchen to start preparing dinner. Before I could even start, I heard the door open and my dad calling out my name. I walked back into the living room and there stood Dad with the boys. "Hey guys," I said. "Did you have a fun time hunting?" Dean walked over to me and gave me a hug. "Hey sweetheart. I see you got your cast off finally. Bet you're happy about that." "I almost did a happy dance at the hospital," I admitted. "I would have paid to see that," Sam said. "What's for dinner, princess?" "Chicken Parmesan," I answered, a little confused. Sam never called me princess...that was Dean's nickname for me. And Dean never called me sweetheart because Sam and my Dad did. "Are we role playing today?" I asked, smiling. "Something like that," Dad answered. Before I could say anything else, Dean leaned over and gave me a kiss. A little mortified, I pushed him away and said, "What the hell?! That was uncalled for." Dad walked over and took my hand, leading me to the couch. "You're going to want to sit down for this one, pumpkin." I did as my father instructed, with Dean sitting next to me and Sam sitting across the way in one of the chairs. "What is going on?" I asked. "Why is my fiance sitting over there and not next to me?" "Your fiance IS next to you, princess," Sam said. I looked from Sam to Dean, back to Sam, then to my dad. "What kind of hunt were you on today?" "A witch hunt," Dad answered. I thought for a moment, looked at Sam again, then to Dean sitting next to me and it hit me like a bolt of lightning. "Oh my God!" I exclaimed. I grabbed Dean's hands, stared into his eyes and said, "Sam????" A smile appeared on Dean's face. "Surprise." "Do you understand now?" Dad asked. "You're telling me that one of the witches you were chasing put a hex on the boys?" I replied. "And now we're dealing with some Freaky Friday type shit?" "Give the girl a gold star!" said Sam/Dean. I didn't know what else to say just then, but I knew I needed one of Sam's healing hugs. I looked up at Dean/Sam and held my arms open, letting him know that I believed their story and I really needed his arms around me right now. He pulled me close and held me tight, and I immediately felt the sense of relief I get every time Sam hugs me. "It really is you," I whispered. He kissed my forehead, then released his grip on me. "So what do we do now?" I asked. "How do we get this reversed?" "The only way to reverse a hex is with a spell," Dad said. "The only ones who know how to do spells like this are witches." "So basically we need to track down another witch in order to reverse the spell," Sam/Dean explained. "Does that mean you guys are going to try and find more witches?" I asked. "That could take a while," Dean/Sam said. "Even if we researched every case of witches in the state, there is no guarantee we would find one who would help." "Supernatural beings of most kinds do not like hunters," Dad added. "With the exception of the angels, there are very few who would jump at the chance to help us." "So I'm expected to be okay with this?" I asked. "No offense to Dean, but even knowing that the man sitting next to me IS my Sam, it would still be weird showing affection aside from the occasional hugs and forehead kisses." "Think about what your dad just said, princess," Sam/Dean said. "What did he say?" I asked. "You mean the thing about no supernatural creatures wanting to help us?" "With the exception of angels, babe," Dean/Sam said. "Castiel!" I exclaimed. "He knows how to reverse hexes?" "Not quite," Sam/Dean said. "The boys and I contacted Castiel the moment we knew they had been hexed," Dad explained. "He is trying to track down a witch for us as we speak." "What is he going to do, kidnap a witch and promise to let her go after she reverses the hex?" I said, being somewhat sarcastic. "Actually, yes," Dean/Sam replied. "That's exactly what he plans to do." How long is that going to take?" I asked. "Cas usually works fast," Sam/Dean said. "He could be here sometime tonight for all we know." "I guess it's take out for dinner tonight, then," I said. "Don't want to take the chance of starting to cook and have him show up before I finish." "It'll be my treat tonight," Dad said. "It's the least I can do. They wouldn't be in this mess if they hadn't come to help me." "It's not your fault, Jim," Sam/Dean said. "But you can still pay for dinner." We all let out a laugh as Dad left to go get us some food. I looked at Dean/Sam, then over at Sam/Dean and said, "I can't believe I'm about to ask this, but, if I wanted to kiss my fiance here, would you feel it???" "In all honesty, I have no idea, princess," Sam/Dean said. "If it's going to make you feel uncomfortable, we can wait until Cas gets here," Dean/Sam told me. Even though the thought of it made me feel awkward, I just wanted to be able to kiss my man. "I'll chance it," I said. "I love you that much." Dean/Sam smiled at me and leaned in for a kiss. I kissed him back and, to be honest, it only felt a little bit weird (but that's because I am used to Sam's lips, not Dean's). I looked from brother to brother and said, "And now we play the waiting game..."

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