Superhero Sammi

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Two more weeks had gone by since my hospital visit. This time around, it seemed that time was flying by a lot faster than when I had first gotten hurt. Was I complaining? No way. Just making an observation. The boys were out on another hunt with Dad, and as usual I was hanging back at the house, relaxing. I decided to go sit outside, since the weather had been pretty comfortable lately, so I threw on one of Sam's sweatshirts (we're engaged, people...I wear his clothes a lot) and took a seat on the porch. I was taking in the sights, the sounds, the smells of nature, when I heard a loud crash. It sounded like someone had set off a bomb, but I knew almost immediately what I had heard. The only other time I had heard such an "explosion" was when I was about 12. Poppy and I were driving out to the lake and we witnessed a terrible car accident. I may have been injured myself, but the thought of someone else being hurt to the point of not being able to help themselves scared me. I ran down the street toward the origin point of the sound, and I saw a car smashed into a tree. Was I seriously the only person who had heard it?? There was literally no one else anywhere near the crash site. I ran over to the driver's side door, and noticing the window had shattered on impact, I asked the driver if she was alright. She had obviously hit her head, but she was conscious. All she said was one word: "Gavin." Right after that, she passed out. I called 911 and filled them in on the situation, asked them to hurry, and then tried to figure out who this girl was talking about. Was Gavin her boyfriend? Did she need me to get a hold of him? Before I reached in to grab her cell phone from the console, I got my answer in the form of a small giggle. OMG! She had a baby with her! I peeked in through the back windows and there he was, without a scratch, behind the passenger's seat. I ran around, opened the car door with my one good hand, unlocked the car seat from its base, and carried it as far away from the car as possible, just in case there was a chance this car burst into flames before paramedics showed up. When I knew Gavin was safe, I ran back over to the car and grabbed the diaper bag from the back seat. After returning to where Gavin was, I searched for a bottle or a toy, something to give him to distract him from the loud sounds he was about to hear. Luckily, there were about three bottles stashed away in the bag, so I handed him one (he looked to be about 8 or 9 months old, so I figured he could hold his own bottle), and he took it and started to drink. A few moments later, I heard the sirens and said a quick, "Thank God" under my breath. Unknown to me, Sam and Dean were right behind the ambulance, so they drove right past me sitting on the side of the road with the baby. Being the kind-hearted souls they are, I watched as they pulled up just far enough to be out of the way, parked the car and started walking toward the accident. They still hadn't noticed me sitting on the opposite side of the street, keeping the little guy occupied. I watched in silence as they went over to the paramedics to see if they could be of any assistance. "Are you the one who called this in?" the one paramedic asked. "No," Dean answered. "We were actually right behind you when you pulled up. We've been staying at the house on the end of this road." "The dispatcher said it was a woman who called it in," the second paramedic informed them. "Do you know this woman?" the first paramedic asked. "We've been vacationing," Sam admitted. "We haven't really met anyone since we've been here." "Hold up," Dean interrupted. "You said a woman called this in?" "That's what dispatch said," the second paramedic said. Sam and Dean looked at each other, then Sam said, "Sammi." "I'm sorry?" the first paramedic said. "I thought you said you didn't know this woman?" "We don't," Dean said. "Sammi is my brother's fiance. The house we've been staying at belongs to her. He thinks maybe she is your mystery caller." By this point, the girl from the car, who was on a stretcher, had regained consciousness. "Where am I?" "Ma'am, you've been in an accident," the second paramedic informed her. "We're going to take good care of you." "Gavin!" she yelled. "Where's Gavin?" "Who is Gavin, ma'am?" the first paramedic asked. "Is he your boyfriend? Do you need us to call someone?" "Gavin," she said. "He was in the car with me. Please help him." The second paramedic walked over to the car and looked inside. "Um, Josh," he said to the first paramedic, "there's a base for a baby seat in here, but no baby." "Is Gavin your son, ma'am?" Josh asked. "He's 9 months old," she said. "He was in the car with me." "Are you sure about that?" the second paramedic asked as he made his way back over to the stretcher. I couldn't stand it any longer. I had to make mine and Gavin's presence known. I shouted from across the street, "She hit her head, but she's not lying about the baby." All four heads shot over in my direction. "Sammi!" Sam said as he came racing over to me. "Are you alright??" "I'm fine," I told him. "I was sitting on the porch when the accident occurred. I only came down to see what was going on after I heard the smack." Dean and the paramedic we came to know as Josh walked over to join us. "He seems fine," I told Josh, "but I did not remove him from the seat just in case." I handed him the diaper bag and watched as he grabbed the car seat. "Thank you for your call," Josh said, "And for keeping the baby safe until we got here." "Of course," I said, "It was no trouble at all. I was in a car accident once. I was young and scared out of my mind, but a good Samaritan kept me busy until the paramedics came to rescue me. It was the least I could do." "You probably just saved both of their lives," Josh said. "You three have a nice day now." The boys and I watched as the paramedics loaded mommy and baby into their rig and took off toward the hospital. As we walked back to Dean's car, Sam said, "You were a hero today, baby." "And I'd do it again in a heart beat," I told him. Later that night I got a phone call from the doctor who took care of Gavin and his mom. He had gotten my cell phone number from the cops and wanted to call me to thank me for my quick actions. If I hadn't gotten to the site when I did, the mom would not have made it. I told him it was no big deal, that I would have done it for anyone, and he ended by saying the world needed more people like me in it. I felt like a superhero that day....

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