Family Tradition

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I know, I know. I'm probably getting repetitive, but I apparently come from a line of hunters just like Sam and Dean. My poppy and my dad were the only two I had confirmed so far, but from talking to my dad a little more, I was under the impression that we have had hunters in the family for years. My poppy even hunted with Sam and Dean's dad, which caught all three of us by surprise. A while back, I single-handedly saved the boys from a pack of werewolves having never shot a gun before in my life. Now that I knew hunters ran in my family, I suppose it truly was in my blood all along. Did this mean I was going to carry on my family tradition and become a hunter myself? Sam and Dean had educated me on the dangers of hunting over the last two years, so I felt that yes, I probably COULD join forces with them if they'd let me. The truth of the matter was, however, Sam and Dean would never allow me to become a hunter. Yes, I was a grown woman who could make my own decisions, but even behind the scenes I had witnessed what could happen out in the field. Do I need to refresh your memory on the time Dean and I had to race to save Sam's life after a hunt gone wrong? Or how about me, even staying behind, having been almost killed numerous times by the supernatural? Now that I think about it, I don't think I would want to be right in the middle of the action. So why am I even talking about it? Well, it's because during one of our many chats my dad asked me if I would consider becoming a hunter and carrying on our family legacy. He even tried to convince me that I might find it fun. How is killing fun? Sure, I understand that the creatures being killed are dangerous to mankind, but I sure would not find killing fun. I finally convinced him to take my being engaged to a hunter as an alternative way for me to carry on the family tradition. When Sam and Dean returned from their daily adventure that same day, I told them all about the conversation with my dad. "So he really thought you would carry on the family business?" Dean asked. "Yep," I replied. "I told him about the werewolf incident and my very first kill before I even knew I had hunter blood in me. He said I should use that as indication that I could be great as a hunter." "And you told him that you would not be following in his footsteps, right?" Sam said. "I told him I was going to be a hunter over yours and Dean's dead bodies," I told him. "Besides, I got him to agree that me eventually marrying you should be good enough to count as carrying on the tradition." Sam and Dean looked at each other and smiled. "You have learned well, princess," Dean said with a wink. "I will kill any supernatural creature that tries to harm me or you two," I said, "but I will not go looking for them. That's just asking for trouble. I will leave that for the professionals, like you two." Sam gave me a big hug and said, "That's my girl." Dean interrupted the moment by asking, "What about your sister? Do you think she would carry on the tradition?" "She doesn't know about it," I told him. "That's the way dad wanted it. He loves us both dearly, but he knew that IF either of us was going to become a hunter, it had to be me. I was the more strong-willed daughter. That's why I was able to fend for myself for so long after my family left." "You are definitely a fighter," Dean agreed. "All the near death experiences you've had and you've bounced back from every single one." "Sounds just like these two hunters I happen to know," I said with a smile. "Maybe you wouldn't make such a bad hunter after all," Dean said. Sam shot him a look that would have made anyone's skin crawl. "I wasn't suggesting she actually do it, Sammy," Dean reassured his brother. "I was just making an observation, that's all." "I appreciate the vote of confidence, Dean," I told him. "It really does mean a lot coming from you." Something about the look on Sam's face said that he was getting really uncomfortable discussing the subject, so I decided to change it. "So I'm guessing you two had a really long day," I said. "Why don't I go get dinner started?" "While I really enjoy your home-cooked meals, I feel like getting something delivered," Dean said. "You mean like a pizza?" Sam asked. "We had pizza for lunch." "I could go for some Chinese," I suggested. "I haven't had that in a really long time." "You are a mind reader, princess," Dean chimed in. "That's exactly what I had in mind." "I'm sure there's a take-out menu around somewhere," I told them. "I'll go find it." I left the boys in the living room and headed to the kitchen to look for the menu. It took me a few minutes, but nana was very organized when it came to her recipes and take-out menus, so I found it with no problem. I headed back out to the living room and handed the menu to Dean. "I want a pepper steak combo meal, white rice," I told him. "And a small wonton soup. I'm going to go lie down for a bit." I left the boys downstairs and walked up to the bedroom. I settled onto the bed and laid there staring at the ceiling. "What's wrong, baby?" I turned to see Sam standing in the doorway. "I'm alright," I told him. "I've just learned so much information in so little time that my head is spinning." He walked over to the bed and sat down next to me. "Are you sure that's all that's bothering you? You're not still experiencing problems from the pneumonia, are you?" "I would hope not," I told him. "It took forever for me to finally get back to 100% after that. I really just think my brain is on overload. Not that I'm not grateful that I'm learning all of this about my family." He kissed my forehead and said, "Dean and I would understand if you wanted to skip dinner to get some rest." I smiled and said, "That's not necessary. Besides, the minute I smell the food, you won't be able to stop me from pigging out." Sam laughed. "I think I just need to take a break from finding out more about my family for now," I said. "Agreed," Sam said. "For the rest of our stay here, why don't the three of us plan some adventures, instead of just me and Dean?" "I think that would be absolutely wonderful," I told him. Sealing the deal with a kiss, we made our way out of the room and joined Dean for a delicious Chinese dinner.

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