The Good Life

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Three days into our vacation, Dean asked if there were any places around where we might be able to go shopping or to see a movie. The closest mall was about half an hour away, so the boys and I hopped in the car and took a ride. Upon our arrival, Sam excused himself to the restroom and told Dean and me that he would catch up with us shortly. As we walked around, Dean started a conversation. "I have to thank you for talking us into this trip," he said. "In our line of work, we hardly ever get a day off. We tend to forget that there are others out there like us who can handle things if we did lay low for a while." I smiled at him. "I should be thanking you guys, really. It was weird enough coming back here, since my last memory of this place was not a very good one. Having you two here made it a little less awkward." "I believe I have told you before that you're stuck with us, whether you like it or not," Dean said with a laugh. "Numerous times," I agreed. "But I wouldn't have it any other way. You guys are the best thing that have happened to me in a long time. I'm happy to be stuck with you." Dean offered me his arm, which I gladly accepted, and we walked around checking out all the different stores. We were having such a great time that I almost forgot Sam had come with us. Dean spied him walking toward us and said, "I was starting to think you fell in. You've been gone a while. Everything good?" Sam rolled his eyes and said, "I went into some of the stores to browse. I thought that's what shopping was all about." "Alright you two," I cut in. "That's enough. Keep it up and I'm going to have to take you back to the house and send you to your rooms." The three of us burst into a fit of laughter and continued walking around the mall for a good few hours. We left when Dean decided he was hungry and a food court meal was not going to satisfy his appetite. I directed him to the nearest diner, where we ordered our food to go and took it back to the house. After dinner, I excused myself to the bedroom for a few minutes so I could make a phone call. I picked up the receiver and dialed the phone number I had been staring at for the last three nights: my sister's. She answered on the first ring. "Hello?" "Scarlett?" I asked. "Is that really you?" There was a slight pause and then, "Sammi girl???" "It's me, sis," I said, smiling at the phone like an idiot. "What took you so long?" she asked. "I left that note for you about a year ago." "I know," I told her. "This is the first time I have been back to the house since I left two years ago." "No worries," she said. "How have you been?" "I've been alright," I said. "I came back here for a little bit after I finished school because Poppy was sick and Nana couldn't take care of him herself. After they both passed, I lived here by myself for a short period, but something strange happened to me and I packed up and left." "You weren't hurt, were you?" she was very curious. "A few times over the years," I said, "but I'm still here to talk about it, so that's a blessing." "I really did try to get a hold of you when I found out about mom," she said. "No one had any information on your whereabouts, though." "It's ok, Scar," I said. "I didn't exactly leave any information behind. I pretty much live on the road, I don't have a permanent address. I do have a cell phone now, though. I'd be happy to give you the number so you can keep in touch." "That would be awesome," she said. "So you travel a lot?" "In a sense," I told her. "I have a boyfriend now, and he and his brother have a job that keeps them on the road, so I go where they go. How's Drew?" "He's wonderful," Scarlett said. "He got himself a great job about a year ago and bought us a house. No more apartments for this girl!" "That's great!" I told her. "I'm so happy for you guys. Sounds like you are living the good life, so to speak." "All that's missing is a family," she said. "But we're not in any rush. It will happen when it happens." "I miss you, Scar," I told her. "I miss you too, Sammi," she said. "This boyfriend and his brother, they take good care of you I hope?" "The best care," I told her. "Dean literally saved my life. He donated one of his kidneys to me when both of mine were crushed in an accident." "Oh wow!" she said. "And Dean is your boyfriend?" "No, Dean's the older brother," I said. "My boyfriend's name is Sam." "Sam and Sammi," she said. "That's poetic. Do you think he could be the one?" "I know he's the best thing that's ever happened to me," I told her. "After the childhood we had, that is." "As long as you're happy, sis," she said. "That's all that matters." "I really am," I said. "Life is pretty good right now." "It really is great to hear your voice again," she said. "Promise me you'll keep in touch?" "Absolutely," I told her. Before we hung up, I gave her my cell phone number and told her to say hello to her husband for me. I made my way back downstairs and sat down on the couch next to Dean. "Where's your brother?" I asked. "Right over there," he said, pointing to the dining room. I turned around to see Sam standing in the doorway with a bouquet of flowers. I got up and walked over to him, gave him a kiss, and took the flowers into the kitchen to find a vase for them. After I finished making them look pretty, I set them on the kitchen table and turned in Sam's direction. "Sammi, I have a confession to make," he said, as he walked closer to me. "I bought you a little something on our trip today." "You didn't have to, you know," I told him. "I have everything I need right here with you and Dean." With that said, he handed me a small little box and said, "I love you." I opened the box and gasped in surprise...he had bought me the most beautiful ring! The stone was half diamond, half emerald, and I knew right away what that signified. "I don't know what to say," I told him. "Say yes," Dean yelled from the living room. Sam walked over and put his arms around me. "Marry me?" he asked. "Yes!" I screamed with delight. He took the ring and placed it on my finger, gave me another kiss, and hugged me tight. Life really was good!

The Story of SammiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora