A Call For Help

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The vivid nightmares I had been experiencing only lasted about three days (thank goodness). They were so real that I would wake up in a cold sweat or try to beat up Sam while I was still asleep. He was such a great sport, though, and super supportive through the entire endeavor. Dean even gave Sam a night off and stayed with me during one of my episodes so poor Sam could get at least ONE night's rest. By the fourth night, I was praying before I fell asleep, hoping that I would either see complete darkness or some kind of fairy tale dream...ANYTHING but those horrible visions of death and destruction. Someone heard my prayers and answered them, because I didn't have any more nightmares from that day forward. About a week later, I was hanging out at home while the boys went to the store, when my cell phone rang. Normally when I look at the caller ID and don't recognize the number, I let it go to voice mail. I figure if someone really wants to talk to me, they will leave a message so I can call them right back. On this particular day, however, I decided to answer the call. "Hello?" I said. "Is this Samantha Weston?" a female voice asked. "Yes, ma'am," I answered. "Can I help you?" "We've never met, but I really need your help," she said. "Your dad has gone missing." "My dad?" I was confused. "Is this Marissa??" "Yes, honey," she answered. "I hope you don't mind, but I got your number from your dad. He said if anything ever happened to him, I was to call you right away." "I understand," I told her. "Where was he going when you last spoke to him?" "As far as I know, he never left Georgia," she said. "After you were hurt, he wanted to stay close by until he knew you were alright. He's been taking cases all over the area. I tried to call him last night and he didn't answer. I tried again this morning and still nothing." "I don't understand him," I said. "I told him I was in good hands with the boys." "He knew that," Marissa said. "But he's your father and he still worries, he always has." "I know," I admitted. "So you haven't heard from him in almost 24 hours?" "About that," Marissa replied. "He never goes this long without some form of contact. I know you really can't do much, I mean with your arm and all, but I was hoping the boys might be able to try and track him down?" "Of course," I told her. "I will mention it to them as soon as they come back from the store. Do you remember the location of his last case or even what he was hunting?" "I don't know the exact location," she said, "but I'm pretty certain he was hunting a shape shifter." "That's a start," I told her. I pulled out Sam's laptop and typed "shape shifter cases, Georgia" into the search engine. "There is an article from two days ago about a shape shifter being spotted about half an hour south of here," I said. "Wow. That's really close." "I'm really worried about him, Samantha," Marissa said. "You can call me Sammi," I told her. "And I don't blame you. I have seen what some of these creatures can do. Hell, they've done some damage to me over the last two years. I promise you that as soon as the boys return, I will send them out to find my dad. You have my word. I just got him back. I don't want to lose him again so soon." "Thank you so much, Sammi," Marissa said. "I really appreciate it. I just hope that one day soon we can meet. Your dad talks about you all the time." "I would like that," I told her. "I'll save your number to my phone so I can keep you posted on dad's whereabouts. And don't hesitate to call just to say hello. I know how lonely it can be by yourself." "That sounds great," she said. "Thank you again." We disconnected and I continued reading the article I had found about the case my father had been working. A short time later, I heard the front door open and turned to see Sam and Dean walking in, carrying bags of groceries. "Hey princess," Dean said. Seeing the computer, Sam asked, "What are you up to, sweet stuff?" "Researching a shape shifter case," I told him. "Why are you researching cases?" Sam asked. "Not cases," I said. "Just one specific case. It started two days ago, about a half hour south of here." "We're still on vacation until you're completely healed," Dean reminded me. "I am aware of that," I replied. "I just received a call from my stepmother. My father was working this case. He hasn't left Georgia since my accident. He's been taking cases in this state until he knows I'm alright. But that's not the issue. She called to tell me that he's been MIA for almost 24 hours." "I take it this is not a normal thing for him?" Dean asked. "No," I said. "Marissa said that he checks in with her every chance he gets. She called his phone and gets no answer. She's worried that something has happened to him." "I guess we're taking a little trip," Dean told Sam. "I'll go put the perishables away," I said. "Go find my dad. Bring him home." "There are no perishables," Dean said. "It's mostly cans and boxes. We'll get it when we get back." "I can handle cans and boxes," I told him. "I'm not completely handicapped." "Sweetie," Sam said, "I think what Dean means is you're coming with us." "Is that really such a good idea?" I asked, pointing to my broken arm. "Shifters aren't as powerful as demons," Dean said. "You'll be fine. You have my word." "Alright," I said. "Let's go save my dad."

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