Back To Work (Part 2)

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We had been driving for almost an hour when I spotted the warehouse. "There it is," I pointed. "That's my dad standing next to that truck." Dean pulled up beside my dad. He and Sam got out of the car and re-introduced themselves to dad. I knew I was about to get a ton of shit from the boys, but I got out of the car and ran over to hug my dad. "Well it's good to see you too, pumpkin," he said with a smile. Dean was the first Winchester to speak. "You know the drill, princess. You're supposed to stay in the car until AFTER we finish." "I know," I said, and turned to walk back to the car. "Hold up," dad said. "I understand your concern, Dean. Sammi has told me about every encounter she has had, believe me. But we can let it slide just this one time, can't we? She has three of us to protect her if something should happen to go wrong." I chimed in with, "And we know I have the hunter instinct in me SHOULD I need to defend myself. I'm not saying I want to help with the hunt, I will stand in the shadows and let you three do your thing. Please, Dean? Just this one time, I swear." Dean looked at Sam. "What do you think, Sammy? Should we let it slide just for tonight?" Sam shrugged. "He IS her dad. And besides, like James said, she has all three of us to keep her safe. I think we can make an exception." I ran to the boys and gave them a huge hug. "Thank you!!" I said. Dean handed me an angel blade and a handgun. "Keep these in your pockets just in case, ok?" "You got it," I told him. "You guys ready to go hunt this demon?" dad asked. "Bring it on," Dean said. "I have to warn you, though," dad said. "This particular demon is mighty powerful. That's why I needed backup." "Let's do this," Sam responded. The three of them took the lead and I followed closely behind. Dad signaled for the boys to stay behind while he did a parameter check. After a few brief minutes, he signaled to let them know the coast was clear. We all gathered in the center of the warehouse and the boys started unloading supplies from their bags. I watched as they set up a devil's trap in the middle of the room, painted all kinds of symbols around the entire warehouse, and then I took cover behind a counter that was in the corner of the room. Sam came over to join me behind the counter while Dean and dad headed over to the other corner and took cover behind an old shelving unit. Suddenly I heard footsteps coming our way and instinctively buried my face on Sam's chest. He wrapped his arms around me and whispered, "It's ok, baby. We're not going to let anything happen to you." I heard someone yell, "Son of a bitch!" and I knew that, even though this was a powerful demon, he wasn't powerful enough to escape the devil's trap the men had set. Sam pulled my face away from his chest, looked me in the eyes, gave me a kiss, and said, "You just stay put, alright?" I nodded and watched as he, Dean, and dad circled around this demon. The demon started clapping, then said, "Very clever, Weston. I knew you wouldn't be able to outsmart me alone." He looked at Sam and Dean and said, "If it isn't Hell's favorite dynamic duo." "Shut your pie hole, creep," Dean said. "We're not here to make nice." "You don't say," the demon said, sarcastically. "I believe you have something that belongs to me," dad said. "I don't know what you're talking about," the demon responded. "Don't play with me, jackass," dad said. "Where's the ring?" "What kind of ring are we talking about here?" Dean jumped in. "Please don't tell me it's another case of a cursed object in the wrong hands?" "You mean like the time we had to rescue Dad's knife from the wrong hands?" Sam asked. "That's exactly what I was talking about," Dean replied. Dad spoke up, "It was a ring that was given to me by Jacob. And yes, it is cursed, just like your father's knife." The demon started laughing. He reached into his pocket and held up the ring in question. "Let me out of this trap and I will hand it over." "Bullshit," Dean said. "We don't make deals with demons." "Too bad," the demon said, and I watched as from inside the trap he made the counter I was hiding behind move, crushing me between it and the back wall. One, so much for me NOT getting hurt, and two, how did the demon know I was back there? I hadn't made a peep the entire time. "Sammi!!" All three men shouted at the same time. "You piece of shit!" Dean screamed and tried to stab the demon with his angel blade, but was unsuccessful. I could hear Sam reciting incantations and dad trying to shoot his gun, but having no luck. Dean tried again with the angel blade, since Sam's incantations were definitely weakening the demon, and this time he was successful. We all watched as the black mist left the host body and disappeared into the night. Dad grabbed his ring, and the three of them came racing over to where I was trapped and worked together to move the counter just enough to free me. Dean spoke first. "I knew this was a bad idea." "It's not anyone's fault but mine," I said. "I wanted to be here because of my dad." "How did the demon even know you were here?" Sam asked. "You didn't move or make any sounds." "I don't know," I said. "I was wondering the same thing." "Are you alright?" my dad asked. "Not sure," I told him. "But at least I know my kidney is safe. Don't ask why, but I instinctively placed my hands over that area before he struck me." The three men all looked down at my arms, my left of which was severely swollen and black and blue. "I'm not a doctor or anything," Dean started, "but that one arm looks broken to me." "There's a hospital right down the street," dad said, as he wrapped my arm in a homemade splint. Sam looked at me and asked, "Can you get up and walk, baby? Or do you need me to carry you?" I pushed myself up with my good arm, but immediately fell back to the floor. "My legs feel like jello right now, apparently," I told him. Dad did a once over of my legs and said, "They don't look broken or bruised. Your body is probably just in shock from the blow you just took." Sam scooped me up in his arms and walked me out to the car, placing me on the front seat for a moment. Before we took off for the hospital, Dad shook the boys' hands and said, "Thank you for coming to help me. And thank you for taking care of my little girl. She's in good hands." Sam and Dean both smiled, then Dean said, "Look us up anytime, Jim. We'd be more than happy to work with you again." Dad walked over to the car and carefully gave me a hug. "It was great seeing you, baby girl," he said. "I'm sorry you wound up getting hurt. None of us expected this." "It's ok, dad," I smiled. "I've had worse, and you know that. I'll be just fine. Plus, I've got two of the best doctors out there." He smiled back at me and said, "I promise we'll get together soon in a better setting. I love you, honey." "Love you too, dad," I said. The boys and I waved goodbye as dad pulled away into that dark night. Dean got me to the hospital in record time, where the doctor confirmed that my arm was indeed broken. After they reset the bone, they set it in a cast and told me I should get it checked out at my local hospital in about eight weeks. They gave me some medication to help with the pain, which I gladly accepted. We thanked the staff, got back in the car, and I slept like a baby the entire trip back to the house.

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