Brotherly Love

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A week had passed since Sam and Dean's run in with the witch, and I was finally in 100% health again. Since it had been so long since the three of us actually went out and had fun, I suggested that we go searching for something to do. "Do you have any suggestions, sweetie?" Sam asked. "How about mini golf?" I suggested. "We haven't done that in years," Dean said. "I'm in." Sam took my hand and we headed out to the car. As the three of us started to load into the Impala, a car pulled up in the driveway. "Were you expecting company today?" Dean asked me. "Do I ever expect company?" I responded. "The only people I ever expect to see are you two and Dad." I carefully walked over to the other car, Sam and Dean watching cautiously behind me, and waited for the driver to roll down the window. When he did, I politely asked, "Can I help you?" "I hope so," he said with a smile. "I was wondering if you could help me find my sister. I can't really explain what she looks like because I haven't seen her in years, but I know she lived around here years ago. Maybe you know her. Her name is Samantha." I looked closer at the man who was sitting in front of me and saw a faint resemblance to my father. "Declan?!!" I was in total shock. "In the flesh," he replied. "How are you doing my little firecracker?" "I'm doing pretty good, " I told him. "We were just about to head out to play some mini golf." "I can come back later, if you want," he said. "No," I said. "You came a long way to see me. I'm sure the boys will understand. Why don't you get out of the car, give your little sister a hug, and come meet them?" He closed his window, got out of the car like I asked, gave me a huge hug, and followed me over to where the boys were standing. "Declan, I'd like you to meet Sam and Dean Winchester," I said. The boys both waved and Declan asked, "Which one of you is the guy who stole my little sister's heart?" "That would be me," Sam said, extending his hand for Declan to shake. "But she stole mine first." "She's always been a little heart breaker," Declan agreed. "Oh stop it," I told him, starting to blush. "Does this mean no mini golf?" Dean asked. "I told Sammi I could come back later," Declan said. "I don't want to spoil your plans." "Why don't you join us?" Dean suggested. "Or we could go another day if you want to just stay here and catch up." "I haven't played mini golf in years," Declan said. "We military men don't get to go out on the town that much. It sounds like heaven." The four of us piled into the Impala. Sam offered the front seat to Declan, who was happy to let Sam sit with his beloved. On the ride to the mini golf course, I decided to find out what convinced Declan to come and see me. "So what brings you here to Georgia?" I asked him. "Other than me, of course." "I had a week of paid leave that I needed to use up before the end of the year," he said. "I decided to meet up with some old pals of mine from my troop who were relocated to Florida. On my way back home, I figured why not stop and say hello to my sweet baby sister? Who knows when I'll get the opportunity again." "Well I'm glad you took that chance," I told him. When we got to the mini golf course, Declan offered to pay, to which Dean responded, "That's very cool of you, thanks." "It's the least I can do," Declan said. We all picked up clubs and four different colored golf balls and headed out to the course. "Are we keeping score, or just playing for fun?" Dean asked. "No need to keep score," I said. "Let's just take our time and enjoy each other's company." We got about halfway through the course when some idiot behind us started getting impatient. Hoping to avoid confrontation, I turned to him and said, "Why don't you go ahead of us? We're in no rush." Apparently that didn't work because he started shouting some really nasty things at me, and I don't just mean obscenities. Dean turned around to say something, but Delcan beat him to it. "What is your problem, jerk wad?" he asked. "The lady politely offered to let you go ahead of us, since you're obviously in some kind of rush. There was no need to speak to her like that. I think you owe her an apology." Instead of taking Declan's advice, this dumbass decided to make the situation worse than it needed to be and took a swing at my brother with his club. Declan grabbed the club mid swing and, using it as a lever, flipped this guy up in the air and back down onto his back. Sam, Dean, and I just watched in silence as my brother beat the crap out of this dude! It didn't take long for security to come over and intervene. They pulled Declan off of the other guy and held him back. "Calm down, sir," the one security guard told him. "This douche disrespected my little sister," Declan said. "She did nothing but offer to let him go ahead of us and he bugged out! Then when I asked him to apologize, he tried to attack me." The security guard turned to me and asked, "Is this true, young lady?" "Yes, sir," I said. "Don't believe me, I have two other witnesses who will back me up on this." One of the security guards who was holding back the other man said, "Boss, this one reeks of alcohol. It's almost as if he bathed in it." The head security guard released Declan and said, "You are free to go. So sorry for the inconvenience." "You were just doing your job," Declan told him. "I'm in the military, so I get it." The security guards escorted the other guy away and I said, "So are we going to finish our game or what?" The boys all smiled at me as we continued our quest to that eighteenth hole. On the way to dinner that night, I thanked Declan for coming to my rescue earlier that day. "I'm your big brother, Sammi," he said. "It's my job to look out for you." "Sounds like someone else I know," Sam said, lightly tapping Dean's arm. "It's called brotherly love, Sammy," Dean said. "It's just what we do. Deal with it." The four of us enjoyed a delicious meal at the local diner before heading home to send Declan on his way back to Canada. As he was getting ready to leave, he shook Sam and Dean's hands one last time and said, "It was great meeting you boys. I can see my sister is in really good hands. Thank you for that. It will help me sleep at night." Sam and Dean both offered up a salute to Declan and headed inside to let me say my goodbyes. I gave him a big hug and said, "It was so great finally meeting you. Get home safe." "I'll call you when I get there," he told me. "You have my word. Take care, sis. I love you." "Love you too, big brother," I said as I watched him get into his car and drive away. I turned toward the house and went inside to join the boys.

The Story of Sammiजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें