The Switch

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I got up from the couch and walked out to the kitchen to get some plates and utensils for when Dad returned with our food. I set the table in the dining room just as Dad came strolling in, food in hand. The boys got up and followed him into the dining room, sat down, and started dishing out the food. We ate in silence that night only because all three men knew I was still trying to process the events that had unfolded. After I had finished eating (the boys were still digging in), I excused myself and brought my dishes into the kitchen. I placed my dirty dinnerware into the dishwasher and made my way out into the backyard. It was a beautiful night, the stars were shining bright, and the weather was perfect (not too hot, not too cold). I stared up at the stars and got lost in the moment. The next thing I remember was being blinded by a bright light. "Hi Cas," I said. "Hello Samantha," he replied. "I come bearing a gift." I looked to his left and there was the witch he had promised, hands and feet both bound so she couldn't run. "The boys are inside," I told him. "They may or may not be done eating dinner." "Don't you want to be with them for the switch?" he asked. "I'll be in shortly," I promised. Castiel escorted the witch inside and closed the door behind him. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and made my way back into the house. I headed straight for the living room and took my usual spot on the couch. The three boys, Cas, and the witch joined me shortly after. "Alright Raven," Castiel said to the witch, untying her hands. "You know why you're here and you know my terms." Raven pointed to the Winchesters and said, "You two go stand over by the wall over there." Without any kind of argument, Sam and Dean did as they were told. Dad and I watched as Raven held up her hands and started chanting some incantation that neither of us understood. I looked over at Sam and Dean and watched in horror as they both started moving as if they were having seizures. My dad saw my worry and said, "This is an unfortunate part of the hexing process. They're both going to be fine." After what seemed like forever, Raven finally finished speaking and put her hands back down. The boys both fell to the floor as if they had just been shot. I jumped up off the couch and ran toward Sam and Dean. I wedged myself between them, putting one arm around Dean and one around Sam, trying to get a group hug going. Dean was the first one to reciprocate, and Sam followed shortly after. "Are you guys alright??" I asked. "I feel like I could run a marathon," Dean joked. I looked at Sam, who was smiling that amazing smile I love so much. "Welcome back," I said. He pulled my face close to his and gave me a kiss. I helped both boys to their feet as Cas said, "Looks like my work here is done. Let me get Raven back to her coven, as promised." "Thank you so much, Cas," I said. "And thank you, Raven. I know you're probably going to get grief from your fellow witches for this." "I can handle them," she replied, right before she and Cas disappeared from the room. "I'm glad that everything is back to normal," Dad said. "If you two want to go back to taking your hiatus from hunting, I would completely understand." "We've been through much worse than this," Dean replied. "You need us, you call us. Plain and simple." Dad walked over to the boys and shook their hands, then turned and gave me a hug. "I'll see you again soon, pumpkin," he said. "Thanks for dinner," I told him. "Be safe. I love you." "Love you too," Dad replied, and he let himself out. "I think I'm going to head upstairs and get some rest," Dean said. "It's been a long day. You two kids don't stay up too late." He gave us each a hug and took off up the stairs to his room. "I'm sure you're exhausted too, babe," I said to Sam. "Why don't you go to bed. I'll join you shortly." "Actually, I'm not tired yet," Sam replied. "How does popcorn and a movie sound?" "Sounds like we've found our nightly ritual," I said with a smile. "I'll go make the popcorn this time. You choose the movie." I headed into the kitchen to throw the popcorn in the microwave. While I waited for the buzzer, I made some iced tea to go with our snack. When I re-entered the living room, Sam was waiting for me on the couch, snuggled under our favorite blanket. I put the food and drinks on the table in front of him, climbed up under the blanket, and wrapped his arms around my waist. I looked up into those big brown eyes and said, "I am so glad that you guys were not severely hurt. I have to say, though, that was definitely one of the most interesting situations I have ever experienced since meeting you two." "If only you knew us years ago," he replied. "This was nothing compared to some of the other incidents we've had." "I'm just glad everything is back to normal," I said. "Even though I knew it was you, kissing you while you were in Dean's body was weird." "You really must love me," he told me. "You could have waited until we were switched back, but you didn't." "I've never loved anyone this much before," I admitted. "Besides, I had to come to terms with the situation, just in case it took Cas longer to locate someone to help. But enough talking...we have a movie to watch." Apparently Sam and I were both more tired than we thought because neither of us made it to the end of the movie that night.

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