A Hunting Hiatus

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When Sam and Dean brought me back "home", the original plan was to take a two week vacation before the boys returned to hunting. We were almost at the two week mark (11 days to be exact) when Dean decided they needed a little more time to enjoy life outside of work. With Sam and I now being engaged, Dean seemed to want to celebrate almost every night. I know what you're thinking, and no, he did NOT go back on his promise to stop drinking so much. Dean was just a naturally happy person, believe it or not, and he was overly excited that he was officially gaining a sister (when the time was right for Sam and me, of course). Anyway, here we were, 3 days from the two week mark, and now we were going to be staying for an undisclosed period of time. Sam went out shopping for some more food while I stayed back to talk to Dean about his sudden change of plans. After all, Dean was the one who convinced Sam to get back into hunting after Jess died, much to Sam's dismay. Why was he having a change of heart all of a sudden? I walked into the living room, where Dean was lounging on the couch watching television. "Hey you," I said with a smile. "Hey yourself," he replied, also smiling. "So you know I have to ask why you decided to vacation a little longer than originally planned," I told him. "Because I'm the one who got Sam back into hunting," Dean said, "and I was so gung ho about it." "Exactly," I said. "Just so we're clear, I love what we do," he told me. "After my dad and Sam left, it was all I knew, so I did it every day, never took a holiday. Sam and I aren't getting any younger, and we missed out on a lot BECAUSE of what we do. There are plenty of others out there like us, so let them handle the cases for the time being. We're going to live." I smiled. "Just how long are you planning to stay out of the game?" "I just want another few weeks or so," Dean said. "Besides, look at this place. No one bothers us, we have peace and quiet, and no cheap ass hotel beds." "Don't forget the home-cooked meals," I added. "The only thing missing is pie," Dean said with a laugh. "All you have to do is ask," I said seriously. "My grandmother used to make all kinds of pies. I'll bet there are recipes here somewhere. I could totally bake you a pie." "See?" Dean said. "This place is my version of Heaven! If I didn't love my job so much, I would never leave." "And you'd probably get fat from all the home-cooked meals and pie, too," I said, starting to laugh. The front door opened and Sam walked in, carrying about ten bags of groceries. I ran over to help. "Why didn't you call from outside instead of trying to be the strong man?" I teased. "It's not THAT much," he said playfully. We carried the bags into the kitchen and started unloading them. "So what did Dean say about his sudden change of plans?" Sam asked. "Basically he said that hunting is life and y'all never had much of a chance to live any other type of life," I told him. "He said he just wants to stay for a few more weeks, see some sights, have a little fun, and then you guys can go back to doing what you do best." "So he feels like we were denied a proper childhood because of what we do." Sam said. "Exactly," I said. "You two just kick back and relax, enjoy the peace and quiet away from hunting for a little while longer. You deserve it." Sam pulled me toward him and gave me a kiss. When he finished, I said, "Go join your brother in the living room. Dinner will be served in about an hour." "I thought it was my turn to cook?" Sam asked. "Not anymore," I said with a smile. "Go. Relax. Spend some quality time with your big brother." He gave me another kiss and said, "This is one of the many reasons why I love you so much." "I know," I said, winking at him. After Sam left to join Dean in the living room, I searched my grandmother's recipe box for any kind of pie recipe she might have had. When I found the perfect recipe, I double checked to make sure I had everything I needed to make it. I worked on the pie first, then started on dinner. About an hour later, I set the table with place settings, brought the food out to the table, and called the boys over to join me. As they sat down, I watched as they both admired the feast I had set out before them. Homemade meatloaf, ceasar salad, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, and gravy. Dean's face lit up like a child on Christmas morning. He looked at Sam and said, "Good thing YOU proposed, because if you hadn't, I sure would have. Damn, this looks awesome!" I laughed and said, "Dig in, boys." When we were all stuffed like Thanksgiving turkeys, Sam helped me clear the table and load up the dishwasher. I excused myself to the bedroom so I could change into something more comfortable...all that great food made my jeans fit a little tighter. As I was getting undressed, Sam walked up behind me and put his arms around me. The feel of his warm hands on my bare stomach just made me so weak in the knees. I turned to face him and just started kissing away. You can imagine what happened next; we ended up in the bed, of course. When we finished, we laid there cuddling for a little while. Our moment was interrupted by the sound of a scream coming from downstairs. We both dressed in record time and ran down to see what the heck was going on. Dean was in the kitchen, staring at the pie on the counter. He turned to look at me and said, "You baked me a pie!" "I baked you a pie," I said with a smile. "I told you my grandma had some recipes lying around." Dean looked from me to Sam and said, "This vacation from hunting is turning out to be the best damn decision I've ever made."

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