Castiel Comes Calling

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Two weeks had passed since I had to have my arm re-broken, re-set, and re-cast. I had good days, and then there were the days where I didn't even want to be around myself, but the boys never showed their frustration, never spoke down to me, or gave up on me. They took shifts keeping me company on the nights I couldn't sleep, and they were waiting on me hand and foot even when I complained that they were doing too much. As with the last 8 weeks of me being injured, my father was staying close, taking only cases in the state of Georgia. The boys had gone and helped him on a few, just to keep busy and to give me some breathing room. On one particular day, I was startled by a surprise visit from our favorite angel, Castiel. I was curled up on the couch with one of Sam's sweatshirts and a bowl of popcorn, having a chick flick marathon when a burst of light appeared from beside the TV. "Well this is a complete surprise," I said, even before Cas actually appeared. "To what do I owe this pleasure, Cas?" "I was a little worried about Sam and Dean," he said. "They have not contacted me in a while." "They have taken a break from work," I explained. "We have been on vacation for a little over a month. Dean is in charge, so when he's ready to go back to hunting, that's when they'll return." "Oh," Cas said. "Well where are they now?" "They've been helping my dad on little hunts around town, just to let me have some time alone," I said. "I've been a little bit of a pain in the ass lately." "Would it have something to do with that?" he asked, pointing to my arm. "It has everything to do with this," I said. "I already spent 8 weeks in a cast only to find out that the bone wasn't re-set properly, so they had to re-break it, and I'm just miserable." "You know I can fix that for you, right?" Cas offered. "I do, but I'll just trust it heals properly this time," I said. "If not, THEN you can fix it for me. Deal?" "Deal," he replied. "So your father is also a hunter?" "And so was my maternal grandfather," I said. "But no one else in my family knew. I am the only one who knows, other than my stepmother." "I see," said Cas. "Is it important that you speak with the boys?" I asked. "Are you in trouble? Because I can get a hold of them right now, no problem." "No," Cas said. "As their friend, I just wanted to make sure they were alright. I'm sure I could have called, but I am still trying to get the hang of the cell phone." I laughed. "It's alright, Cas. We all know you're not really up on the new technology. But rest assured, the boys are fine. And I will be too. I know that was going to be your next question." Cas smiled at me. "You will let them know I stopped by?" "Of course," I told him. "Would it hurt you if I gave you a hug?" he asked. "Not at all," I told him. "Sam and Dean hug me all the time." I stood up to make it easier for Cas, and then he said, "Take care of yourself, Sammi. I'll come back again soon to see all three of you." "You be careful out there, Cas," I told him. He nodded and then disappeared into another burst of bright light. Later that night, when the boys returned from hunting with Dad, I told them all about Castiel's visit. "So good old Cas was worried about the Winchesters," Dean said. "The guy isn't allowed to worry about two of his oldest and closest friends?" I asked. "It's no big secret that Cas doesn't have a lot of friends. Allies to fight against the evil in the world, sure. Friends, not so much." "I wasn't being sarcastic or anything," Dean replied. "We never can tell with you, Dean," Sam said. "Am I really that hard to read?" Dean asked. "Yes and no," I said. "You joke around and use sarcasm so much that it can be hard to tell if you are being serious or not. Especially with questions." "I never noticed that about myself," Dean said. "Is it really such a bad thing?" "I don't think so," I told him. "It's what makes you who you are." "Well..." Sam started, but cracked a smile in the process. Dean gave him a little love tap and said, "You're lucky you're my brother." The three of us burst into laughter, then I said, "Maybe one day soon one of you should call Cas just to say hi. He still hasn't really gotten the concept of how a cell phone works." Both boys nodded in response, then Sam asked, "If Cas was here, how come you didn't let him fix your arm?" "He offered," I said, "but I told him I would try to allow it to heal on it's own again." "Let's just hope this doctor did a better job than the last one," Dean said. "If not," I said, "I WILL be calling Cas for help. I already told him that. But enough about my arm...who else is hungry? I'll bet you two had an interesting day." "We sure did, sweetie," Sam said. "But we can tell you all about it over dinner. Whose turn is it to cook?" "No one's," I replied. "After Cas left, I took the liberty of calling in a couple of pizzas to be delivered around 6." Dean looked at the clock and said, "That's about 10 minutes from now. How do you do that?" "Magic," I said, laughing. "Either way, I would have eaten alone and saved the rest for you guys when you got back." The pizza guy showed up a little early that night, so we took the pizzas back to the dining room and I listened as the boys told me all about their day out hunting with my dad.

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