A Nice Family Dinner

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It had been two weeks since Sam had been poisoned and yes, we were STILL on vacation. Dean was still hunting with my dad, so he felt he was doing his part to fight the supernatural, and Sam was back to taking a hiatus and spending more time with me. It was around Thanksgiving time now, so I had reached out to Dad and asked if he and Marissa cared to join me and the boys for dinner. He gladly accepted. I had gone out about a week before hand and bought a decent sized turkey, some potatoes, gravy, all of the ingredients for green bean casserole and stuffing, and cranberry sauce. Both Sam AND Dean offered to help, so I had Sam chop up the vegetables and Dean peeled the potatoes. The turkey was stuffed and ready to be put in the oven around 9am Thanksgiving morning. I figured we would eat around 4, so I turned on the TV and we watched the parade. The doorbell rang around 12:30, which was around the time Dad had said he and Marissa would be there. I got up and answered the door. "Hello pumpkin," Dad said and gave me a hug. "Sammi, this is Marissa. Marissa, this is Sammi." I shook her hand and said, "It's finally nice to meet you in person. Thank you for coming." "It's great meeting you too," she said. I closed the door behind them and lead them over to the boys. "Marissa, I'd like you to meet the boys," I said. "This here is Dean, and the one lounging on the couch is Sam." "Pleasure to meet you," Dean said, extending his hand. "I've heard great things from James about both of you," Marissa replied, shaking his hand. "It's nice to meet you both." "The turkey won't be done for another 3 and a half hours, so you guys can just have a seat and relax for now," I told them. Sam got up off the couch and motioned for Dad and Marissa to take a seat. He moved to the chair next to his brother then signaled for me to sit on his lap. Once we were all comfortable, I asked Marissa, "So how nice is it to have Dad home more often now that I'm all better?" "It's so much better than being alone," she replied. "Thank you, by the way, for allowing me to call you from time to time." "Sure thing," I said. "I told you I completely understand how it feels to be alone. I dealt with it for several years after both grandparents finally passed." "Yeah, until we came along," Dean said with a smile. "And I haven't been able to get rid of them since," I responded with a wink. Sam kissed my cheek and said, "In all seriousness, though, you're probably much happier now than you were being alone." "Oh definitely," I said. "I had an idea in my head that I was fine by myself and let myself believe I was happy, but now I know what true happiness really is." "So I hear you finally met Declan a while back," Dad said. "He was a riot," Dean replied. "And he defended his little sister's honor when some douche decided to disrespect her." "The guy was super drunk," I said. "He probably didn't even know he was at a miniature golf course." "We also got to meet Scarlett and Drew," Sam reminded me. "So you've now met everyone in the family," Dad said. "Well the ones who still talk to us," I shot my dad a look. "I've been trying to get your father to make up with his folks for years," Marissa said. "He's stubborn." "Are they even still alive?" I asked. "Yes," Dad replied. "They live somewhere in Florida. I tracked them down a few years back, but never reached out to them. I have a phone number for them, though." "You should call them," I suggested. "I mean, not right this minute, but soon. Life is short. You of all people should know that given your chosen profession." "If I promise to call them the minute Marissa and I get home, will you please change the subject?" Dad asked. "So how about them Cowboys?" I said jokingly. Everyone started laughing. I checked my watch and realized we had killed 3 hours! "Excuse me while I go get the side dishes ready," I said. "It's almost turkey time." "Would you like some help?" Marissa asked. "Sure," I replied. "Leaving you here alone with these three would be like feeding you to the wolves." I could feel the icy stares coming from the three men as we walked into the kitchen. "I hope you know that I'm not looking to replace your mom," Marissa said as we prepared the potatoes, gravy, and green bean casserole. "I never thought that," I told her with a smile. "Dad told me that it was never his intention to get married again. Mom was the love of his life. But you were there for him in his time of need, and sometimes we just can't fight our feelings. I tried. It doesn't work." She smiled. "What do you mean you tried?" "When Sam first admitted he was falling for me," I said. "It was only weeks after he and Dean had saved me the first time. I knew I was feeling something for him too, but I just thought it was gratefulness at the time. The first time he told me he loved me, I didn't say it back because I wasn't sure if I was falling for him too. It wasn't until the first time I saw him in the hospital, the thought of losing him made me realize that I WAS falling in love with him. Dean is the one who helped me face my feelings. He said he knew for a while that I was smitten with his brother. I just needed to realize it myself." "That's really sweet," she replied. After dinner that night, Dad decided he would be the one to help me clear the table. As we were loading the dishwasher, he turned to me and said, "Thank you again for having us. I think Marissa really enjoyed herself." "I enjoyed having you both," I said. "She is a great woman. And she really loves you." "She does, doesn't she?" Dad said, smiling. "Dinner was awesome, by the way. Where did you learn to cook?" "From Nana," I told him. "She always made some of the most delicious meals." "I remember," Dad replied. A little later that night, as Dad and Marissa were getting ready to leave, Marissa turned to me and said, "You and the boys should come see us one of these days and let me cook for you." "I think we can make that happen," I said. "What about you boys?" Sam and Dean both gave us two thumbs up, and Marissa and I laughed. She and Dad waved goodbye to the boys, then Dad gave me a hug and said, "See you soon, kiddo." I reached out to Marissa to give her a hug, and she gladly accepted. After they left, I sat down on the couch and the boys and I all passed out for the evening.

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