While that proposal was very bad timing, and probably not for the best reasons, I still meant it. One day I will marry her because I want to be with her forever. I just hope she feels the same. If not though, I will survive. I’ve put her through a lot lately so I really wouldn’t blame her if she decides to just call it quits.

Storming out of my room I hope beyond hope that she will give me one last chance. Slamming the door shut behind me I’m filled with determination to make things right once and for all. As I pass Emily’s room I see Nancy and Jason standing by the door. Despite all that has happened I’m glad they’ve stuck by her. God knows I’ve done little to help her in this time.

Nancy spins around upon hearing the door and smiles at me.

“You must come by later, Sam.” Nancy says. “Please?”

“I was planning on it. But first I have something to take care of.”

Nancy nods in understanding but doesn’t say anything. I think she’s even more switched on than me. I’ve been blinded by my father’s antics ever since we came face to face in Madrid. Maybe she’s always known what he’s been up to? Yes at first I was determined to mend my relationship with Dad but I realise now it’s been a complete waste of time. Now he’s just being a selfish bastard and refusing to let me be happy.

“She’s not answering.” Jason says turning to face Nancy, a look of frustration on his face. Pulling out the door swipe card he says, “I’m not waiting for her.” Turning his glare onto me he says, “You better come around later, mate. I’m sick of seeing Emily miserable all the time. This should have been sorted weeks ago.”

He turns back to the door, swipes the card and walks in with Nancy following. I feel a stab of guilt but push it away temporarily. Once I get my father sorted I can try and win Emily back once and for all. Jason’s right, this should have been sorted a long time ago.

Reaching Dad’s door I pound on it hard to show how angry I am. It opens only seconds later and I force my way in. Dad looks at me warily, walks over to the bar and holds up a bottle of whisky. I shake my head no. After my last encounter with whiskey I’ve tried to keep it down. That hangover was not very nice.

Instead I start pacing the floor. I haven’t really thought of what I’m going to say so I suppose I’ll just wing it.

“Do you get off on ruining lives or something?” I finally demand.

He looks at me in confusion then says, “I ain’t got a clue what you talking about, boy. The travelling must be getting to you.”

“Don’t make excuses! Why do you dislike Emily so much? Why have you tried to stop me from talking to her?”

“What in heaven’s name are you jabbering about?”

“Stop pretending you don’t know what I’m talking about! You told me a few weeks ago that Emily was just like Mildred. Since then I haven’t been able to get anywhere near her because you’re always there! You’re purposely getting in the way, admit it!”

There’s a long silence but finally he shrugs and says, “I was doing you a favour, son. She ain’t good news, like I told you.”

“You don’t know her and you refuse to get to know her! For once in your miserable life, stop butting in! What gives you the right to determine other people’s lives? First you cause my mother’s death and now you’re meddling in my life by making relationship choices for me!”

“I ain’t meddling, boy. I’m just directing the right path for you to follow. Ain’t that what fathers are supposed to do?”

“The right path for whom? For you or for me? And you’re far from a father! I have done just fine without you and I don’t need you to make my decisions!”

Book Two - Just Enjoying My Life.... Right? (Completed)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt