Chapter 36: Exposed

Start from the beginning

"I'm not supposed to see you today," he whispered against my cheek.


"Some rule before the wedding," he said then claimed my mouth once more. I wrapped my arms around his neck, bringing his body down on mine.

He pulled back and I could see his outline in the darkness, "I'm sorry I haven't seen you much this week but I had to see you today. One last moment as my fiancée and then the rest of my life as my wife."

He kissed my nose once and then pushed himself off of me. He grabbed my hand helping me up, "You're quiet." He stared the obvious.

"Well you did just attack me," I pointed out.

"You've been quiet for awhile, Ember. I'm not blind to your melancholic behavior. Are you getting cold feet?" He asked as he led me forward and opened a door letting light blind me.

I squinted, "Of course not!"

"Good," he turned to stop me. "I'll see you at the alter then." He kissed me once then disappeared down the stairs. I watched as he walked confident down the main hall when a figure caught my eye. My father stood motionless at the end of the hallway, raised his eyebrows and then turned suddenly back to where his room was. Overwhelmed with everything in my life at the moment, I backed up against the door Gabriel and I had come out of and slid down it until my head rested on my knees. I took several long deep breaths and rubbed my temple to try and grind the never ending migraine I had these days.

"Ember, do you need help?" I heard Officer Bowen ask softly. I jumped at the closeness of his voice. He was knelt beside me and I had never heard a single movement.

"What are you? A ninja? Where did you come from?" I demanded.

He chuckled slightly. I gaped in response, I don't think I'd ever seen him smile. "I saw you kneeling, I thought you could use a hand." He held one hand out for me and I took it although my mental breakdown had not yet been over.

"Thanks," I said to him.

"You're welcome," he nodded. "Would you like me to escort you anywhere?"

"No thank you," I shook my head, "I think I'll just go back to my room and take a nap. Long day tomorrow."

"Of course, Your Majesty. And I haven't been able to congratulate you on your engagement though it didn't last long," he smiled once more.

I laughed out loud for the first time in almost two weeks, "I sure don't mess around, do I?"

"Good quality for a queen," he winked and then I heard a butler approach. He asked for Officer Bowen's assistance and he excused himself. I watched as he left in the same direction Gabriel had then turned to head for my own room.

Loneliness swept the halls that used to be flooded. At this rate I would even appreciate Farrah's company. I longed for someone to talk to. My maids were busy with the wedding decorating and Gabriel obviously had too much going on. I stared at the familiar walls in my room and wondered what The Princess' Room looked like. I decided I'd like to find out.

I turned back around and closed the door behind me. I trotted down the hall, deciding to kick my heels off in the hall on the way. Once I was in front of the balcony over the main hall I realized I had never once seen Gabriel's room. A butler below in the main hall was buzzing in the same direction Gabe and Officer Bowen had been going and I shouted below at him. He's the only butler I had seen all day, the palace was surprisingly quiet.

"Excuse me good sir, I was wondering where I could find The Princess' room attached to Prince Gabriel's. The comforter in there is much more comfortable," I lied.

"Of course, Your Heinous, would you like me to escort you?" He said, on the verge of dropping the tray in his hands.

"No, no," I waved my hand, "Only need a reminder of directions."

"Third floor miss, first hall on the right, second hall on the left. Second door on your left," He told me graciously.

"Oh yes, of course, thank you," I took off before I could forget his directions. When I found the correct hall there were only two lone doors on the left side. I opened the second door slightly, peeking in just in case someone happened to be in there.

The large bed lay untouched, with a long canopy hanging over the top. It was beautiful and a small part of me wanted to sleep in here tonight, regretting that I hadn't the past two weeks. The floors were carpet where as mine was hardwood with a rug. A huge mirror covered a wall and dipped in as though a model could stand and see all angles of herself. I didn't open the door beside the bed because I knew the closet would overwhelm me with floor length dresses.

I walked over and sat on the edge of the bed, sliding my hands over the satin duvet. The foot board was mahogany, pricey and hard to get your hands on since The Great War. Portraits and landscaped painting hung on the blush walls. The room had a large window that overlooked the backyard of the palace, one thing my room had that was better was the view.

My eyes skimmed the room until they landed on a door in the far corner of the room. It had to lead to Gabriel's room. He'd never invited me in there and I had wandered why in the past two weeks. I stood slowly and then sunk back down. Maybe he didn't want me in there for a reason. Maybe he'd be mad if I did go in there. But he was extremely busy and would never know...

I bit my nail as I stood, shaking slightly with nerves. I approached the door and laid my ear against it to make sure it was empty. Nothing but silence sounded from the other side. I turned the knob slowly and pushed the door open.

I didn't expect his room to look so... normal. His bed was grand, no doubt. His closet dipped in the same way the Princess' Room did but was less extravagant. Papers were strewn all over the floor. Papers upon papers. I picked one up that looked like a newspaper, my name and picture all over the front page. It was dated in late June, the time I had been taken. What Madden had told me was in fact true and Gabriel had hidden it from me.

"Ember Eckerson secretly in cahoots with the southern rebels, taking up and standing charge for those against the country," it stated and I threw it to the side. Most of the papers weren't newspapers but written statements. I held one up and it spoke about a trip to Gardonia for trade deals. I stepped on some of the papers to lay this one on his desk. His desk held pictures upon picture behind it. Pictures of him and his family in different parts of the world, at celebrations, at balls but there was one in the small left corner that caught my eye. It was me as a young teen. Maybe 14 or 15. I don't remember taking the picture but I do remember how Gabriel got it and he still had it. My heart swelled as I untacked the picture and brought it up to look at it closer. For a brief moment my eyes focused on the desk where a paper read "URGENT: enemies on the inside"

I put the picture down and swiped up the paper hoping Gabriel knew the same things I did so I wouldn't have to tell him. It read: Fellow royalty, we have been contacted by the pursuit of a civil army looking for allies to attack your kingdom. You have far greater worries then the civilians as your own military is turning against you. We tell you this in honor of our trustworthy treaty and hope to help the true Kingdom of Illea in any way you see fit. The rebels expressed to us that they have men inside the kingdom along with their leader because of the highest of ranks. Please note that we are not the only military whom have been asked.

Suddenly I heard the footsteps in the hall. I shoved the paper down the front of my dress and glided through the door to the Princess' Room just as soon as the door opened. It was not Gabriel who entered the room and whoever it was bustling through the papers.

"It's not here," I heard a faint whisper.

"Maybe it was on the king's desk and we missed it," another whispered back. The next let out a string of curse words and they left the room in a hurry. They were looking for the paper that I had stolen. I had the power to expose.

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