Chapter 9 - Learning Time

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A yard stick smacked loudly against a large dry erase board that had been set on a tri-stand. The loud sudden smack made the four occupants of the largest living room couch jump in surprise. The one responsible for the noise glared at the seated four before beginning what she had dubbed as “Learning Time with Sam.”

“This,” Sam ground out in a very stressed-out voice as she pointed to the picture of a police-man and a police-car, “is law enforcement, more commonly known as police, or cops for short. They are the ones that deal with crime and protect people.” Sam then pointed her yard stick at Naruto who had to cross his eyes to see the end as it was only a couple of inches away from his face. “Not you, Naruto.”

Earlier, after somehow managing to loose the police, ditching the ‘borrowed’ car, making their way back to Samantha’s abandoned SUV via taxi (it took almost twenty minutes to get Sakura into the vehicle.), driving back home (Sakura kept a solid death grip on her seat with her eyes closed the whole time.), and after Sam had made sure to burn every bit of the tape she had acquired from the bank, she promptly sat everyone down on her large couch and set out to properly educate them.

Naruto gave  a small gulp and nodded in understanding before the stressed-out woman continued, this time pointing to the picture of the handgun. “This is one of several different kinds of firearms. They are very dangerous and have the ability to shoot you dead where you stand. Sai, you got very, and I mean very lucky. That one robber at the bank probably had crappy aim, so that may have been why you aren’t dead right now.”

All looked to Sai, who had a newly bandaged shoulder and was wearing a slightly baggy shirt and drawstring pants. With them now being in the safety of Sam’s home, Sakura had been properly able to tend to the wound and Sai had changed into the new clothes he was wearing now. In fact, they had all changed into some new sets of clothes that Sam had bought everyone before their crazy fiasco. Sakura wore a pair of pink workout shorts with white trim and drawstring, and a red coca-cola shirt. Naruto wore some black pants and an orange hoody, and Kakashi had put on a light blue button up with some grey lounger pants (he continued to wear his dirty mask and headband, much to Sam‘s slight disgust and dismay.) In a sense, they all looked like they were in pajamas ready for bed.

“So, what shoots out of them, some kind of chakra?” Naruto asked, furthering the discussion of the topic.

“I told you, chakra doesn’t exist...well, it shouldn’t anyway, but that’s not the point.” Sam sighed before turning around to open a drawer and pull out a few rounds from a small box. She then turned back around and held up the objects she had just gathered. “These are called bullets. You load them in a pistol, rifle, or any other kind of firearm. Then, they are fired at targets. So really, your main concern are these when it comes down to it. If you ever find yourself being threatened with a gun aimed at you, then you are better off doing what the person on the other side of the weapon says, got it? Now, anything else before we move on?”

“How do we defend against them? Will kunai do, or something different?” Sai inquired.

Sam made an irritated sound. This teaching thing was difficult. “Look, your ninja weapons won’t work. These bullets are shot off at such high speeds, that you can’t even see them. Your only options are either A) do as the person who has the gun pointed at you says, or B) be shot dead. So tell me, what sounds better to you?”

“Option A.” Everyone chimed in monotone voices.

“Good. Now, next is calling for proper help.” Sam pushed the pictures on the board to the side and wrote on it in large writing: 911. “Okay, this is what you dial on the phone when you see trouble, or you are in trouble.”

Dimensional Love (Naruto Series Story)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora