Chapter 8 - Cops 'N Robbers

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Sakura Haruno had experiences several scary things in her young life. Rejection from someone she absolutely loved, dangerously sharp oncoming kunai and shuriken that threatened to slice her to shreds, and the actual enemy or enemies that had thrown them. She survived training with Lady Tsunade, one of the legendary sannin, for crying out loud! That in itself was pretty darn scary. She herself was a good definition of scary, especially for her teammates. She was always a firecracker with a short fuse, though some if not most would be fooled by her seemingly polite and sweet attitude. Inside though, she was a raging young woman with the same fiery and unruly  disposition as her mentor. To say she could handle anything was quite true…until today that is.

One minute she was fighting oddly armed men, then the next, she and the others were hastily shoved into a random car by Sam and racing down the street, with several blue and white colored vehicles chasing after them with brightly flashing red and blue lights. Sakura screamed at the top of her lungs as the car jumped a hill and crashed back to the ground, continuing it‘s hasty retreat. She wasn’t the only one freaking out due to the crazy events taking place. In the front seat, Kakashi’s one exposed eye was as wide as a deer in headlights and he was holding on for dear life, as was Sai and Naruto. Naruto was screaming about how they were all going to die and Kakashi was pleading with Samantha, who was crazy at the wheel, to slow down or better yet, stop completely. Meanwhile, Saix, who was basically sitting on both Naruto and Sai, had his head out the partially rolled down window, catching some air with a doggish grin and lopped out tongue.

Now, the only question that can be brought to everyone’s attention at his time is…why? Weren’t they suppose be going to the mall? Sam was suppose to take them all shopping for new apparel, so how in the world did this kind of situation happen in the first place?! What kind of crazy circumstances were responsible for such a turn of events?

Let’s um…rewind…

4 hrs Earlier…..

Earlier when Sam backed the silver car out of part of her home, Sai had quickly reached in his pack for his sketch book and opened the page to where he had the drawing of the similar object from the day before. The one he drew yesterday was a bit smaller than the one he saw now, but he could clearly see the similarities. He immediately grew fascinated by the new object, but it had been the complete reverse for Sakura. She was very hesitate to get near it.

“I-I decided that I don’t want to go. I’ll stay here and wait for you instead.” The nervous kunoichi said after Sam had helped everyone in the car, buckled them up, and explained to them the reasoning for it.

“Aw, come on Sakura-chan! It’ll be alright.” Naruto shouted from his seat in the back that he was sharing with Sai and suppose to be sharing with Sakura herself.

“I don’t know if you remember, Naruto, but I was nearly taken out by one of these things!” Sakura shouted back.

“You would be if you ran out into the street without using a crosswalk or looking both ways first. You didn’t do that yesterday, did you?” Sam questioned as she finished helping Kakashi buckle up in the front passenger seat of her small SUV.

“Well, kind of, but it was Naruto that started it all!” She pointed out with crossed arms.

Sam sighed, “Well, then of course you almost got run over. It’s dangerous to just go running out into the street without looking first. But you’ve learned your lesson, now, right?” Sakura nodded her head ‘yes’ in reply. “Good, “ Sam smiled as she made her way to the back door closest to Sakura and opened it for her. “ now get in. I promise you’ll be alright and make sure you are buckled in safely like everyone else.”

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