Chapter Twenty-Nine: Apartment in Massachusetts

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“How about Xavier and Sandor? Are they okay?” I asked nervously.

Summer looked down at me with really serious eyes. “Listen, I’m really sorry—”

“Just tell me! Who—”

“It’s Sandor,” Summer interrupted me.

There was silence. And then I suddenly remembered what happened before I fainted. Sandor fell from the window and then landed just in front of me.

“Sandor’s… Sandor’s gone?” I whispered, as if I was talking to myself.

“I’m really sorry,” Mom apologized.

Olive snorted. “Why would you be? It’s great that Sandor died.”

Mom gave her a pointed look. “Olive.”

“He killed Lance!” she blurted out. “He killed Lance, and he was there in his funeral as if nothing happened! Why would someone be sorry that he’s dead? It’s perfect that he died! The world is better off without him. And I am so happy that he’s—” Olive suddenly stopped and then took a step backward, as if she just couldn’t believe that she said that. “I’m sorry, excuse me.”

“Olive!” I called her, but she was already gone from my room.

“Let her be, she’s really upset since yesterday,” Summer reassured me.

“How long was I unconscious?” I asked.

“Just a couple of hours,” Mom told me. “It’s three in the morning. Mr. and Mrs. Murphy is in the other room with Xavier. It’s okay if you visit.”


“Yeah. The doctor said you’re perfectly okay. I think you can walk around.”

“How about Kelly?”

“Her parents are taking care of her. She’s perfectly okay.”

“Can I see Xavier? I just really want to talk to him.”

“Sure,” Summer said with a shrug. “I guess it’s going to be okay.”

Summer and my mom helped me out of my bed and onto the wheelchair. I didn’t want to sit there, but my mom insisted. They wheeled me out of my room and to the room right next to mine. Summer raised her hand to knock and then there was a voice who said, “Come in.”

“That’s Xavier,” I said with a smile. “I would always know his voice.”

Mom opened the door and wheeled me inside. Xavier was reading a book in his bed. When he learned it was me, he broke out into a smile. Summer and my mom placed me just beside Xavier’s bed and left me with one last smile. When we were both alone, I grabbed Xavier’s hand and kissed the back of his hand.

“I’m really glad that you’re not harmed,” I said truthfully.

“Sandor, on the other hand, is very much harmed.”

“Was,” I corrected him quietly.

Xavier sighed and patted my hand. “I know. I didn’t mean for him to die. My parents are quite disappointed with me. To them, I was the one who killed my brother.”

I frowned angrily. “But Sandor was the one who kidnapped us! We’re just trying to escape from him! And he threatened to kill you and Kelly. Why would your parents be disappointed with you?”

“Don’t you remember? Sandor’s their favorite son – even though he’s convinced that they didn’t love him.”

“How… how did he die?”

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