I was watching Boondock's until Jason wanted me to come to the trap house, why I don't even know.

When i got there it was like 8 something in the morning, basically he was telling every body the fed's had been watching him and that the trap house needed to moved ASAP, so he has us moving the drugs to this new place.

Moving the drugs too a good 5 hours but we got it done after that I went back to Brooke's house.

 When I got there i went to her room & eventually I dosed off.

Brooke's POV

Today I had to get some clothes to take back to Jeremy' house the thought of me staying there didn't really sit well with me. I understood he was trying to be nice but I could really take care of myself i had been doing it for years with no problems. The ride to my house was kind of silent because i wanted to break the new that I didn't want to stay with him ..

"Brooklyn, why you so quite over there ? I know you not still mad bout last night ..." Jeremy asked for some reason i just burst out laughing witch left him looking real confused. "Did I miss something ?" he asked.

"Oh no!" I said still laughing "It was just kinda of funny to me but I do have a question."

"Alright, Wussup?"

"umm .. soo .. I .. umm.."

"Spit it out damn !"

"when you take me to get my clothes i wanna stay there just for a couple days to umm .. clean ! yeah I need to clean."

"Ok ... ill just come and check up on you till you wanna come back to my place"

Just about 5 mins later I was in my front yard, Jeremy kissed me and then I left.

 All i wanted to do was get in MY own bed, but i was hungry so i turned on the TV to martin and i started making me some food. While i was cooking i kept hearing things at first i thought i was trippen but then i started getting scared, i walked close to the wall because i heard some walking down the stairs. 

It was Jay to my surprise i forgot all about him .. not like that but you know what i mean ! 

Jayceon's POV

When I saw Brooke i was happy to see she was ok but boy was i mad af, she was staying with other niggas and shit like that's a fucking NO.

"OMG, you scared me Jay I didn't think you'd be here" she said, I just looked at her ass .. Like i hope she wasn't talking to me .. i went to the stove fixed me a plate & turned Martin up (that was what was on TV) I guess y'all can say i had a attitude. 

"So you just not gone say nothing to me ?" she got no answer again

"JAYCEON ANSWER ME !" still no answer

"Wtf is your problem?" I was waiting for her to ask that I'm not sue what happen but i lost it on her. I stood up and had her backed in a corner because she was gone hear what i had to fucking say.

"You wanna know what my problem? that stupid ass nigga Taylor is back, me & you knowing what he capable of  but yo ass wanna be with other nigga, I been a day 1 nigga so for you to chillen it up at another nigga house is NOT fucking cute, I bet you didn't think how that shit would effect me when you did it, you gone tell me over the damn phone you was staying at another nigga house !? Like did you really think i as gone be ok with that , Better question did you think at all ? na .."

I guess she got mad because she snapped right back at me. 

"I could care less bout any of that shit you just said because guess who the FIRST nigga i called was i called more then once and you ass NEVER answered Jayceon, so that nigga i was 'chillen it up' with he was there when my 'day 1' nigga WASN'T, you want to do shit at your time but that's not how it work and it never will with me. was you thinking when you saw me call you repeatedly and DIDN'T answer NO you didn't because you stupid ass never thinks." she started crying and I felt bad as shit, damn ...

I still had her back in a corner and i wouldn't let her get out, so i guess she thought hitting me would help .. I thought it was so cute she was hitting me with all her might and i couldn't help but laugh at her.

"Stop laughing and move." she sounded so frustrated 

"Tell me you forgive me and ill move." 

"no, move out the way NOW" 

we went back and forth for a few mins. then something came over me idk what ..

"Brooklyn, i really love you, i love you with all my heart and i never wanna hurt you again and I'm so sorry."

with that we kissed ...

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