Chapter 18

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Sorry I haven't updated in a few days, I kept postponing writing this chapter... I guess you guys will figure out why soon... Thanks for the votes and comments Love you :) PS!! This chapter is dedicated to my very loyal fan TwinkleXD!


-Zayn’s POV-

We landed a few minutes ago in London, they wheeled Niall into the ER and they are working on him now. They told me he had a fractured rib and his lungs were building up with more fluid than before. The plane ride really didn’t go well for him. When we were about twenty minutes from landing Niall went into cardiac arrest. He was out for almost two minutes, one of the nurses told me he may have severe brain trauma because of the length of time he was out. They told me I had to wait in the waiting area while they worked on him, the entire time I was waiting I was up and walking around. What if Niall didn’t make it and I didn’t get to say goodbye? I don’t think I could live without him. I love him too much to put myself through that. I paced back and forth running my hand through my hair every so often, I bet my hair looks like crap now. I honestly could care less about my hair’s appearance, all that matters is that Niall is alright and I get to be with him for as long as he wants me. Now I keep thinking about how I had asked Niall to marry me a few days ago. I was stupid to just spring the question on him like that. I shouldn’t have said it, I should have planned something special. Proposing is supposed to be something special, not just a spur of the moment thing. I’m so stupid! I should know better than to do that. I was pulled out of my thoughts by a woman walking into the room and saying my name.

“Mr. Malik?” a tall woman with dark hair and Hazel eyes, that are quite beautiful actually, but nothing compared to Niall’s.

“Yes? How is he?” I say rushing over to her. She looks at me up and down then back at a clipboard she is holding. She flips through some papers and stops at one towards the middle.

“Hi, I’m Dr. Sarah Broughton. I am Niall’s doctor here, and I have some news I’d like to discuss with you.” She says. I tried to read her face to see if it would be bad news or good news, but I couldn’t tell. Her expression was blank, any sign of sorrow or happiness was nowhere to be found. I gulped and nodded for her to continue.

“Well, as you know Niall came in in a pretty bad state. We have him stable at the moment, we fixed his lungs and ribs, but I’m sorry to inform you but Niall doesn’t have much longer. He, as you know has lung cancer, and he hasn’t been getting his treatments. He has missed three appointments now and because of it his body is rejecting the radiation and it is starting to kill him. It’s killing him very quickly. He doesn’t have much longer.” She says. Her voice never falters, she is very good at hiding her emotions, and she has to be though right? It’s part of her job. I feel myself starting to break down, tears are brimming at the edges of my eyes, I try to force them back. I don’t want to cry, I don’t want to seem weak. I nod and try to form words without my voice cracking.

“H-how l-long?” I fail at keeping my voice even. My vision is becoming blurry with my tears, I can’t hold them in any longer. They come pouring down my face like waterfalls, hot tears are staining my face. I feel a hand on my shoulder, it’s the doctor. She is trying to comfort me, but all I want is Niall. The only thing that could comfort me at this moment is to have Niall with me.

“I’d say no longer than a week. I’m very sorry Mr. Malik. You can go visit him, he is awake.” She says patting my shoulder lightly. I just nod knowing doctors always tell you a longer time rather than saying he could die tonight. I let her lead me to his room. When we get to it she gives me a tight smile and leaves me alone. I stand in front of the door just looking at it, deciding if I should go in or not. I don’t want to remember Niall like this, as he looks on his death bed. I want to remember the sweet fun loving Irish boy I so deeply fell in love with no more than two months ago. I remember when we first met, I remember our first date and how nervous he looked when he picked me up. I love when he gets nervous, it is so cute to watch his stumble over his words and bite his lip. I remember our first time together, it was magical, not only because it was on the Eiffel Tower but because it was with him. Niall Horan. I could feel myself breaking down again. I took a deep breath and slowly opened the door to his room. I peeked into the dark room to see a very small and pale looking boy lying in bed watching the football game, typical Niall. He turned and smiled a very weak looking smile at me, he was so pale. He looked extremely thin too. I walked over closer to him and he reached out for me, his thin boney hand latching onto mine.

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