Chapter 16

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-Zayn’s POV-

I watched Niall lay in the hospital bed, he was so pale. He had tubes coming out of his side and his neck, it was so hard to look at without crying. I sat with him all day and all night, crossing my fingers he would wake up soon. I know he will, he has to. If he doesn’t I don’t know what I would do without him. I leaned close to him and whispered sweet nothings into his ear, just hoping he could hear me wherever he is right now. I spent the night with him asleep, I was sleeping in a very hard and uncomfortable chair next to him. I woke up early in the morning to see Niall still hadn’t woken up, he still had to tubes in him and he still was scarily pale. I sighed and hoped he would show e some sign of waking up soon. One of the nice nurses who would come in and check on him told me one of the signs of him waking up is him starting to twitch or his eyes begin to flutter. Of course none of that happened to Niall in the last twenty four hours of me being here. I decided I shouldn’t starve myself so I went down to the cafeteria here at the hospital. I was walking slowly down the all too familiar white halls. I was starting to think I was a regular here at the French hospital. I was walking down the hall when I passed one of the many nurse’s stations, when one of the nurses called out to me.

“Monsieur” A high pitch voice called out to me. I stopped and turned around on my heels looking for the voice. I turned to find a fiery red headed girl who didn’t look all that much older than I am. She smiled and I just stood there like an idiot.

“Um, yea?” I say realizing she might not know English since she called me ‘Monsieur’. I bit my lip after I realize I probably look and sound like a complete idiot being in France not knowing French very well. I took some lessons before I got here, but I honestly don’t know all that much.

“Are you Mr. Malik?” She asked eyeing me up and down. That’s when I realized she was holding a folder close to her chest. Maybe she had some news about Niall’s condition.

“Yes, I am him. How may I help you?” I say trying to be polite and not sound too eager to know what news she had for me. She smiled softly and gestured for a small room next to us. I nodded and followed her into the small room. The room was very dull, they had random scenery pictures of places in Paris hung on the walls. There was a long table in the middle of the room and chairs were all around it. The nice woman took a seat on one of the chairs closest to her so I followed her and sat across from her. I bit my lip trying to relax.

“Hi, I’m Maddie. I am here to talk to you about Mr. Horan’s case. Dr. Higgins will be in shortly. I was told to bring you here, please wait while I find Dr. Higgins.” She said smiling, she had a thick French accent that forced me to really pay attention to what she was trying to say to me. I hate this language barrier crap. After she was done speaking she got up and walked out of the room quickly. I couldn’t stop the flood of thoughts from taking over in my brain. What could the information the doctor has about Niall be about? What is going to happen to my Niall? Is he going to be okay? All these questions and more were buzzing around my head like an angry swarm of bees until I heard a light knock on the door. The door opened lowly and in walked a tall built man who looked like he should be a body guard rather than a doctor. He smiled at me and sat down where Maddie once sat.

“Hello Mr. Malik” Dr. Higgins spoke, he surprisingly had a British accent like I do. I smiled and nodded my head, I know its rude not to greet people but I was worried I would start having word vomit. Word vomit is when you keep talking and can’t stop yourself from talking. I hate when that happens to me, it always happens when I’m nervous.

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