Chapter 11

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Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a few days. I honestly didn't know how I wanted to start this chapter. I rewrote it like 5 times. I'm sorry if it sucks. Thank for the reads guys! I would love it if you all commented though! Thanks again! :D


-Zayn's POV-

Niall was standing right behind me when I got the text from Louis. Luckily I had read I before Niall could see what it had said. I turn around and looked at the blonde boy eyeing my phone wearily. he was looking worried and scared. I locked my phone and set it down on the table face down, and smiled up at Niall. He didn't smile back but kept looking scared and I could have sworn his eyes twitched. I must be seeing things, I just need more sleep. I hope.

"You alright babe? You look like you've seen a ghost." I say chuckling trying to ease the tension Niall had created by seeing who had texted me. Niall shook his head back and forth his mouth slightly agape. He backed away slowly still shaking his head, he was starting to look like a bobble head. He hit the wall behind him hard, causing the picture of the Eiffel Tower all lit up on Christmas night to fall to the ground and shatter the glass all around him. I ran over to Niall and noticed he was bleeding. He was still shaking his head, but now his whole body was convulsing. He was literally shaking and twitching like crazy. I looked at Niall's face and his eyes started to roll back into his head. Shit he was having a seizure. I only knew this because of my Uncle who happens to be a doctor, he had tried to teach me about being a doctor one summer when I told him I wanted to be a doctor when I was an adult. I don't know what I was thinking that year. I shook my head realizing it was no time to reminisce about my bad ideas of wishing to be a doctor. I wrapped my arms around Niall and tried to calm down his convulsing. I tried to think back to what my Uncle, had told me about what to do when someone had a seizure. He told me something about making sure he doesn't choke on his tongue. I remember how I had to hold down his arms, but I couldn't remember anything else! I cursed myself for not listening better and tried to open Niall's mouth, He was still shaking violently which was causing him to bite down on my fingers while I held his tongue. I tried to ignore the pain in my fingers from his teeth biting me. I turned around looking for my phone and realized it was on the table that was now across the room from us. Why did I have to leave it so far away?

"Shit!" I cursed out loud still holding Niall. I felt myself starting to freak out, I have to calm down, if I freak out I wont be able to help Niall. Niall suddenly fell limp in my arms, I grabbed his wrist and checked for a pulse. He had one but it was extremely shallow, he needed a doctor. I set Niall down so he was laying on his back on the ground and jumped up to grab my phone off the table. I didn't walk, I ran. I don't think I have ever moved that fast before, I unlocked my phone messing up on my password twice causing me to get mad at myself for not being in control. I dialed 9-1-1 listening to Niall's shallow breathing on the ground. I put the phone to my ear and could feel the tears threatening to fall, I had to be strong. Niall was going to be okay. It felt like an eternity before someone picked up the phone.

"9-1-1 what's your emergency?" A woman asked in a monotone voice. Her voice was actually pissing me off. How could she be so calm when my boyfriend was on the floor dying!? I hadn't realized I was shaking with fear and anger, but when I spoke it became noticeable.

"Yes! My B-Boyfriend, H-he's h-having a s-seizure!!" I yelled into the phone turning to look at the blonde boy laying on the floor, his face was turning a pale blue from lack of oxygen. I couldn't tell what the woman had said after that, but I didn't care, she knew how to trace my phone I dropped the phone and started pumping Niall's chest. I silently thank my mom for forcing me to learn CPR before I could babysit my little sister. I pump his chest to the song "Staying Alive" (A/N yes.. you actually perform CPR to this song... I know it sounds fake, but I promise you, its not.) I start muttering sweet nothings to Niall as I feel myself cry. I feel the tears trail down my cheek and drop onto Niall's grey T-shirt. Black dot forming where each tear fell. I hear running then the door to our room slamming opening. I look up out of fear.

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