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Characters ~

Lily Adams - Ariana Grande

Austin Mahone-Austin Mahone

Ally Garcia - Demi Lovato



My name's Liliana Adams, but everybody calls me Lily. I'm 16 & I dream of being an actress when I'm older. I have red hair, dimples, & brown eyes.

All I do, all day is fangirl over Austin Mahone. I'm a hard core Mahomie. I live with my parents, & big sister. You know how some people are close to their family ? They eat dinner together, & they talk about their problems to each other? Yeah, that's not my family. My parents work all day, & my sister is never home. It's like I live alone here.

I also have a best friend, named Alliana Torres, but eveybody calls her Ally. Our first names are really alike. I don't have much friends, at school, I'm the nerd, & loser. I'm not populer like most of the other people at school. So yeah, that's me. Now on with my life.


It was Fall Break on October. Two weeks without school. It's a dream come true. I'm just kidding, a dream come true would be meeting Austin Carter Mahone, but we all know that's not gonna happen.

I'm one of those obsessed Mahomies. If you say 'Austin's Ugly' or anything that insults him, I will throw potatoes at you until you fall & die. Yeah , I'm obesessed & weird. I believe that I will marry Austin one day. Like, no lie. They say dreams come true right?

I was sitting on my bed on my laptop. What am I doing, you ask? Of course, it's stalking Austin Mahone. I'm just kidding, I'm not that weird. I only check his twitter & instagram every 5 minutes, & google shirtless pictures of him all day. Yeah, I'm not weird.

Some of the people at school, kept texting me that there was going to be an audition for a music video & that I should audition. I guess everybody knows that I want to be an actress, & some people are nice & tell me everytime there's an audition for something. I looked up the auditions to see if I was interested. I found a page, that had information for auditions here in California. I found one for a music video, & checked to see who's music video would it be for.

I pressed on the artist, & the name Austin Mahone came on the screen. That only meant that the music video was for one of his songs. I squealed & started jumping up & down. If I auditioned , I had a big chance on meeting Austin.

I sat down to look for more information. The music video was for the song 'Say You're Just a Friend' & the auditions were on Saturday. It was Friday so the auditions were tomorrow! I couldn't believe it. Being in one of Austin's music videos would be a dream come true. I couldn't wait for tommorow.

Next Morning~

I woke up in a good mood. Today was the day for the auditions. I stood up & ran to the bathroom. I took a fast shower, then went into my room & looked for something to wear. I got a crop top that said 'Cool Story Bro' in the middle, red skinny jeans, & my white converse. Then I blowed dried my red hair, & straightened it. I brushed my teeth then put a little bit of makeup. I got my phone & keys, then went to pick up Ally.


Hey! So i know theres alot of errors, but this is my first story so just bare with me please. I know its boring now, but it WILL get better.

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[edited 11-30-14]

this story is really shiz, guys.

i'm literally reading it like a year later and i'm just..

-chelle xo

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