16: Get Ready - We're Going On A Feels Trip

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Frank was aware that Pete was just fulfilling the role of protective best friend that he had maintained for the last few years, and that his and Gerard's relationship was unconventional, but Frank didn't want to hear logic and reason right now, he just wanted someone to be fucking happy for him, because sure - he might not know anything about Gerard's past, or where they would be in three months' time, but it didn't really matter to Frank, not when he had a boyfriend who actually cared about him, who treasured him and wanted to be with him, and Frank didn't understand why Pete couldn't see how good Gerard was for Frank.

Frank rolled over in bed with an irritated sigh, trying to bury all thoughts of Pete and the doubts he had instilled in Frank's head under a layer of blankets, but no matter how hard Frank tried, his mind wouldn't fucking shut down, which was very irritating to say the least; Frank did have school in the morning, and he would rather not be exhausted on his first day back.

This lack of tiredness wasn't surprising though, because Frank had never been good at falling asleep before two in the morning, and that time has been pushed back ever since he had begun spending so many of his nights with Gerard. They usually stayed up until they could no longer keep their eyes open, choosing to spend the hours they shared doing something much more productive than resting, which ranged from fucking, to watching movies, to simply walking around Belleville, conversing about anything and everything, except for the deeper topics that Frank was so desperate to uncover.

Frank ached to learn more about Gerard in his younger years, especially about his time in My Chemical Romance, because Frank may have found the two albums they had produced before their break up, and he may have watched a few of their live shows on the rare nights he actually found himself with some free time at home, and everything he had seen about the band intrigued him immensely.

Gerard could sing - like really sing; his voice wasn't vocally perfectly, but it projected emotion in a way that Frank had never seen any other artist be able to convey before, and Frank was instantly captivated by not only Gerard's voice, but also his lyrics, the carefully constructed wording of each song resonating somewhere deep inside of Frank in a way that he hadn't known music was able to do.

Frank yearned to ask Gerard about his time as a frontman, but he also feared it, because he had seen the way Gerard reacted when Mikey so much as mentioned the band, and Frank couldn't bear it if Gerard grew angry with him over his curiosity, so he kept his questions firmly buried, choosing to keep the peace instead of indulging his inquisitive nature.

The sudden harsh ringing of a phone snapped Frank back to reality, the unpleasant interruption erasing all traces of sleep that had just been starting to drag his eyelids down, and even more poignant than the irritation Frank felt at being jolted awake just when he had been so close to the slumber that had been eluding him all night was the confusion centering around the random phone call.

Nobody called Frank, besides for his mother that is, who was asleep across the hall; Pete and Gerard used texting as their main form of communication, and Frank didn't have anyone else in his life who would be attempting to reach out to him, especially at this time of night, which explained why Frank never switched his phone on silent, even when he was trying to sleep.

And in spite of the voice of common sense that was telling Frank to ignore his persistent phone in favor of trying to drift back off before the last dredges of drowsiness disappeared, his natural inquisitiveness wouldn't let him relax until he had at least peeked at the number, so Frank blindly reached for the chirping device, finally making contact with it after a few failed attempts.

But by the time Frank pulled the phone up to his ear, the call had already been sent to voicemail, and Frank saw that it was indeed an unknown caller, probably someone who had confused a few digits in the sequence of whoever's number they had truly been attempting to reach, but just when Frank was about to plug the device back into the charger, it sprung into life once more, the harsh ringtone hurting Frank's ears at this close proximity.

Here's to the Heartache (Frerard) *Discontinued*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant