bad news make sad dudes

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He walked up the stairs, as he rubbed his eyes.

The dim light of the clouds and rain made his mood even more glum.

He pushed open the school doors and headed through the crowded halls to his first class.

It's been four weeks since he's been here, and the thought of going back made him sick. He wasn't fully repaired, but the smell of whisky was from his breath for the past two days. Which has been a record lately.
He shoved passed the chatty teenagers in the halls before entering his semi empty history class.

Mrs. Vermont looked up from her desk to his lean body, awkwardly scooting around desks to the back.

He looked over his shoulder to find her stare consuming a shocked look.

He turned back around, debating whether her look of surprise is from his sudden presents, or his appearance.

He certainly didn't look the part he had before Saturn died.

The bell rang and he sat down in his regular seat. He noticed a drawing of a guitar on the old wood.

It reminded him of Pumacat.

He looked over to his right, assuming to see his friend. But he wasn't there.

River spotted his black mop of hair rather on the other side of the room.

Then he noticed the dazzling dark blue eyes; Mary.

They where talking,
she was smiling,
he  was flipping his bangs out of his eyes.

River looked back down at his desk, fiddling with his hands that crossed in front of him.

"Whatever," He mumbled to himself, before slouching down in his seat, and staring out the window.

"Hey River!" His name was laced with a familiar preppy tone.


He didn't turn around, he proceeded to open the large doors to the outside parking lots.

The rain was drizzling and the sun was no where to be seen.

"River!" She yelled again, this time her voice was closer to his ear, and her hand stopped him on his shoulder.

River mentally noted himself to keep in any groan or moan for her sake; she irritated him.

"Hey I've been calling your name." She laughs slightly, walking next to him as they skipped down the stairs.

"Oh, guess I didn't hear you." He lied, he turned his head up to look at her as he spoke.

Her jaw dropped.

"Oh my god! River! What happened?" She said worriedly, stopping their walking, and pressing two hands on his cheeks.

He eyed over her face, she looked completely the same, as if she didn't age at all. She wore red lipstick, and her eyes where extended with a brown wing.

"I uh, I got into some trouble." Well that wasn't a lie. But he wasn't about to tell her that his aunt died which made him drink, loose sleep, and become completely emotionless.

rain pours and closet doors • River Phoenix Where stories live. Discover now