My first night Pt1

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^^^ Still Alice's POV^^^

I was enjoying my first meal with my new brothers when Ukyo-san asked me a question,

"Hai, Ukyo-san?"

"You said earlier that you had job correct?"


"And that you need Yusuke to keep an eye on Ema while she's at school."


"So I presume that you need an education to get your job. Did finish school early?"

I giggled, "Nope!!"

Ukyo-san raised a brow,
"Do you go to a different school then?"

I took another bite,
"Nu huh!" I shook my head no.

It was dead silent, so I looked up from my food. Everyone was staring at me in confusion,
"So you didn't go to school?"
Yusuke inferred.

"No, I went to school." I stated like it was nothing, "I just never finished. I actually met Onee-chan the year before I dropped out!!!" I smile slightly remembering when we met.

"Wait, when did you met her, then?" Kaname asked.

"Grade school." I stated taking another bite.

"Grade school!!!"

"Yep! I think it was 2nd grade when we met." I smiled at them.

"Wait, you dropped out of school in the 3rd grade!" Yusuke said in shock.

"Hai! By the way this is really delicious!"

"Thank you," Ukyo-san said, "did your job make you drop out?"

^^^^ Third person ^^^^

"No actually quite the opposite. If it's wasn't for my job and my friends, I probably wouldn't be here, I'll probably would've been dead by now." Alice looked down so her bangs covered her eyes, a small smile appeared on her face.

"May I ask why you dropped out of school at such a young age?" Ukyo asked.

Alice's bangs still covered her eyes as she visibly stiffened. Her hand tightened around her spoon so hard her knuckles turned white.

"That my brothers" she looked up and smiled brightly, "is a story I don't want remember."

The brothers nodded, her smile faded a little as she got up,
"I should bring Onee-chan her food now. She's probably hungry."

Ukyo and Wataru got up,
"We'll take you to her room, Onee-chan!!"

Alice giggled,
"Why thank you, Otouto-chan!"

And with that they left the table.

^^^^^ Alice's POV ^^^^

I was walking with Ukyo-san and Wataru, then I saw it, my weakness.... the elevator... I shivered,
"Ummm Ukyo-san?"
I tug on his sleeve.

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