Whatever the f.uck it was... It made everything different.

And it made the s.ex unlike anything I'd ever experienced.

I groan, dropping my head into my hands and rubbing my temples.

Everly Abbott has me completely, one hundred percent and without a doubt, f.ucked up.

I can't pretend, I don't care what the d.amn note said. I won't.

Now that I've had her.. I have to have her again.

My phone vibrates next to me and I hastily look at the screen. Disappointment washing over me at not seeing Everly's name on it.

Instead I see Carter's.

"Yeah?" I answer, annoyance thick in my tone.

"Styles.. I'm having a little get together at my place in the Hampton's this afternoon. I was wanting you to join us." Carter's voice sounds through my speaker.

"Why?" I question, not giving a shite that I sound rude.

"We need to have a little chat."

I almost tell him to bugger off, I've no desire to talk to him about anything... But then it dawns on me that if he's having a party, Everly will most likely be there.

"Alright. What time?"

"Three. Don't be late."

I open my mouth to respond, but the call ends abruptly. A soft beep signaling Carter had hung up on me.


After a cold shower, I drop myself back into bed. Already somehow feeling exhausted.

Everly's scent invades my senses as soon as my head hits the pillow. The fresh smell of coconuts are imbedded in my sheets from her body lying against them all night.

I find myself liking it, buts it's also strange.. I'm not used to having my bed smell like a woman.

I've never brought a woman home before, not to my flat. I've never f.ucked one in my bed, and I've definitely never slept next to one in it.

Or in any other bed for that matter.

As I feel myself start to drift off, I set an alarm on my phone. Knowing if I don't I'm most likely to sleep the day away.

I curse when the loud beeping wakes me, feeling as if I'd barely closed my eyes.

I manage to find a pair of black jeans that aren't in need of a good washing, pulling them on along with a flannel shirt. After taming my mess of hair, I pull on a pair of brown boots.

Grabbing my motorcycle helmet off the table, I lock the door behind me and jog down the stairs.

It's a two hour drive to the Hampton's from my flat. To bloody far to travel for a 'chat' with Carter.

But I don't give a shite about what he has to say. I'm making the trip for an entirely different reason altogether.

By the time I'm pulling into the driveway of Carter's mansion, I'm properly annoyed.

Two bloody hours and I've still no clue what to say to Everly. I'm angry she just left and I'm confused at what it all meant.

That is.. if it really meant anything to her at all.

Parking my bike and setting my helmet on it, I trudge up the stairs of the overly priced house.
The sheer size of it is ridiculous, even in comparison to the estates surrounding it.

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