Author's Note *Very important*

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Well, I'm thinking of wrapping up this story. It doesn't really have much of a plot and I'm not sure how to weasel in a climactic event without loosing my place in the fanfiction. I want my other fanfic to be better, though. I've also lost interest in this one because I think I made Lyric and Jeff get together to early and that's all the story really is; a love story. So there will only be a few more chapters probably. I know it sucks to have a story end so soon, but I don't think it is that good. My next will be better.

By the way, my other fanfic "Yet another Jeff the Killer Love story." Is based on my life pretty much and the character is a lot like me, but there's a twist to the tale. I feel like it will make it easier for me to build the characters without putting to much thought into it so that I can focus on the plot and better dialogue.

My next chapter of this story is being edited as you read this, unless it has already been uploaded. It should be up later this afternoon if I don't get sidetracked. Also if I get more votes I will probably follow through with an idea I have to put more DRAMA in the story, but my back always hurts after writing and I don't want to waste my time if I don't think that people enjoy this fanfic.

I also love comments and votes, they motivate me to continue the story. So if you want more chapters more often then vote and comment. All it takes is a simple "lol" and a click of a mouse. Feel free to comment on this author's note as well. By feel free I mean I wish you would and I'm trying to be subtle. :D

Jeff the Killer love storyWhere stories live. Discover now