Chapter 11

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Chapter Eleven

"Hey girly." Ariel said as I sat down with a banana for lunch.

"Hello," I said in a sing-song voice."How's it goin'"

"Fine, how's it going with you." she asked sounding suspicious.

"Lovely." I said with a big smile. After me and Gabe talked in the park I couldn't stop smiling.

"Wow, what's up with you?" Jamie asked.

"Oh, nothin' much. I just met Gabe in some park and we talked for a while." I said as if it wasn't important.

"Isn't that the guy from the mall?" Jamie asked.

"Oh my gosh! What did you talk about?" Ariel asked.

"Did he ask why you kissed him?" Ugh, so many questions.

"No, Jamie he didn't. And we talked about his and my parents' divorce and stuff." I answered.

"Oh, what else?" Ariel said, obviously that wasn't interesting enough.

"He called me cute." I said and a smile spread across my face.

"Really? That's awesome what did you say?" Jamie asked.

"I didn't really say anything, but I could tell I was blushing....a lot."

"You like him don't you?" Ariel said. I thought about it for a minute. I really did enjoy his company, I haven't thought about anything else but him since we met, officially at least.

"Yeah, a little I guess." I answered.

"Someone's got a cruuuush." Jamie sang making me blush once again. I guess I did, at least Jeff wasn't on my mind anymore....until now. 'Crap' I thought. 'I still need to talk to him, but I don't know when I'll see him again.' I sighed and joined in on Jamie and Ariel's conversation about narwhals.

* * *


"Hi, dear." my mom greeted me from the couch when I got home.

"Hey, you're home early." I smiled sitting down next to her.

"Yep." she said popping the 'p'.

"Well I'm gonna chill upstairs okay?" I said.

"Alright honey. See you later." she called.

As I walked into my room I realised something, "Shit, I don't have a phone." I whispered. I was going to call Gabe. I sighed sitting on my bed when I had a thought. I got up and walked toward my window unlocking it. I climbed out and sat down on the roof.

"Jeff!" I called. No answer.

"Jeff, I need to talk to you." there still wasn't an answer. I sighed ready to go back inside when I heard a voice from behind me.

"What do you want to talk about?"

I turned to look at him he looked hot, "Can we go inside, it's cold out here." I asked, checking him out.

"Sure." he said and we climbed through my window into my room.

"So what is it?" he asked impatiently.

"How long have you known me, or been aware of my existence?" I asked.

He was quiet for a second and said, "Since you moved here." He said it quietly, but loud enough so I could hear him.

"My first night here, was it you that opened my window?" I asked cautiously.

He nodded.

"How often do you come to my house at night?" I said trying not to get angry.

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