Bring me back to life

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'Cause I don't wanna lose you now

I'm lookin' right at the other half of me

The vacancy that sat in my heart

Is a space that now you hold

Show me how to fight for now

And I'll tell you, baby, it was easy

Comin' back here to you once I figured it out

You were right here all along

It's like you're my mirror

My mirror staring back at me

I couldn't get any bigger

With anyone else beside of me

And now it's clear as this promise

That we're making two reflections into one

'Cause it's like you're my mirror

My mirror staring back at me, staring back at me

***At the Hospital***

Althea: "What room is Jade Tanchingco in?" she asking while heavily panting and felt her body threaten to collapse.

Gab: "Althea! Over here!" he slightly raised his voice to catch Althea's attention and Althea quickly thanked the receptionist before rushing to Gab and Pearl.

Althea: "Where's Jade? What happened?" she immediately asked Jade's whereabout as her brown eyes reflected pain, sorrow, and worry.

Pearl: "Jade's in the ICU" she hoarsely replied and immediately caught Althea in her arms as she broke down in tears.

Gab couldn't help but cry for Althea's pain at his sister's misfortune and pulled Althea's sobbing body into a warm embrace as Althea cried into his and Pearl's arms.

Althea: "What happened and how is the baby? Oh god the baby...No...this isn't real... please God..." she strenuously asked as her sobs made it difficult to speak.

Gab: "We don't know yet...all we know is that she was in an accident...Officer Yang was going to tell us but we thought it was best for you to hear what happened first and to see if you wanted to press charges" he sympathetically replied as he waved her hand for the officer to introduce himself.

Officer Yang: "Hello Ms. Guevarra...I'm Officer Kim Yang and I was the one who reported the accident. You're girlfriend was a victim of being hit by a drunk driver who my partner and I were chasing for reckless driving and refusing to pull over. Before we could stop her, she crashed head on into your girlfriend's car and totaled it."

He sadly replied feeling bad for the Jade who was an innocent victim caught in middle of their chase.

Officer Yang: "Once we arrested the driver, I quickly rushed to your girlfriend's aid and she was already unconscious so we quickly brought her over to the hospital." He said knowing the information must have hit Althea like a ton of bricks.

Love again [on hold]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें