Rumor has it!

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She, she ain't real

She ain't gonna be able to love you like I will,
She is a stranger,
You and I have history,
Or don't you remember
Sure, she's got it all,
But, baby, is that really what you want
Bless your soul, you've got you're head in the clouds,
You made a fool out of you,
And, boy, she's bringing you down,
She made your heart melt,
But you're cold to the core,
Now rumor has it she ain't got your love anymore

One month later...

***Althea's office***

Althea sat at her desk thinking about Jade pregnancy and how her life was perfect when the least likely person walked into her office.

Althea: "Hello Cathleen...what brings you here?"

Cathleen: "Hello Althea" she smiled before taking a seat "I came to see if you could set up one big birthday party for me. Well not really for me but for Jessica"

Althea dubiously stared at Cathleen wanting to know her intentions.

Althea: "What would be the theme of the party?"

Cathleen: "Something exotic" she sighed "Jessica and I are not in a good place right now and I want things to get Better"

Althea: "That sounds like a good idea but you know a party will not solve any problems you both have in your relationship"

Cathleen: "I guess you're right"

Althea retrieved a booklet containing various ideas of locations and themes for bithdays and handed them over to Cathleen.

Althea: "Here's a list of ideas for birthdays. You have all kind of location and activities. Take your pick"

Cathleen examined the booklet, attempting to look intrigued by the destinations.

Cathleen: "So how are things going with Jade?"

Althea: "They are going great" she grinned as she thought of her beautiful pregnant fiancée and son "Jade and I are pregnant so we're in the heaven now" She explained dreamily trying to be friendly with her ex.

Cathleen: "Congratulations" she feigned happiness "She is a lucky woman"

Althea: "So do you see anything you like?"

Cathleen: "Not really" she sighed as she put down the booklet "I just want to get Jessica's mind outta here, I was thinking about blowing her mind with a big ass party you know or a trip so that she can stop thinking of Jade."

Althea: "Excuse me?" her eyebrows furrowed.

Cathleen: "Jessica has been obsessed over Jade. I need this to get her mind off of her"

Althea: "Right" she drawled out.

Cathleen: "After Barbara's party, Jessica completely lost it when she saw Jade" she shook her head "If I wasn't so into her I would have left her but I think this will do us both some good"

Althea: "Maybe" she coldly replied hoping Cathleen would drop the subject.

Cathleen: "Well I Better leave...I have to meet my manager but can I come back again another time as soon I figure out a theme?"

Althea: "Sure" she nodded "See you around"

As soon as Cathleen left, Althea ran her hand through her hair and deeply exhaled hoping Jessica wouldn't be a problem to her fiancée and her family.

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