Meet the family

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Ta, ever so, ever so ta

That was a lovely compliment

But please remember, I'm a lady

And you're supposed to be a gent

No, we cannot make it a date

I'm too young to stop out late

But please, tomorrow come to tea

And meet the family

It's been 7 months and a half since Jade and Althea have been reunited. They've enjoyed each other so much. Their newly reunited family was having a total blast. They've connected together in a way they never did before. Althea was thinking about asking Jade to move in together. She was excited but at the same time she was scared. What if Jade wasn't ready of she wanted to be independent still? She worried a lot even if deep down, she knew her lover would be more than happy to share a place they could both call HOME.

On the other hand, Jade was having a hard time to back down the request of her parents to meet Althea already. She was afraid Althea will reject the idea of getting into the same room with the one person that risked her child and her lives. Jade knew that her famil has finally accepted her, that they've changed so much. She wanted to melt both her families into a big one. She wanted to drag Althea to every family reunion but she never brought the subject on the table afraid of the reaction of her lover. She intented to ask to Althea if she felt okay to come with her to the famous Sunday reunion with her family.


***Jade's Unit***

Jade was arranging the table for the dinner she'd cooked for Althea and Miggy who will spend the night at her house.

Miggy opened the door running straight to Jade, hugging her "Mommy J, I missed you. I thought you were going to take me up to school." He ranted while looking expectantly to her. Jade smiled and ruffled his hair playfully.

"Hey baby boy, I'm sorry I had to run some errands and come home to cook your favorite" She said leading him further in the kitchen and showing him the casserole "Pork Sisiiiiiig" shouted the chubby boy.

"See? Am I forgiven for not picking you off at school then?" she smiled to her little boy bending down to reach his eye level. He nodded and gave her a hug.

"Now go to your room and take a shower, we will be waiting for you for dinner" He jofully ran upstairs.

"His room uh?" came in Altheawith a huge smile on her face. She witnessed the scene in the kitchen from afar and her heart melt.

"Well since he's always there and most of his stuff are there I conclude that it's more his bedroom than anybody else" she said approaching her lover with a big smile on. She leaned and gave a long kiss to Althea.

"Hmm I like the sound of it. I could get use to this"

"Get use to what babe? Me kissing you?" Jade asked absent-mindedly still recollecting from the previous kiss they've shared.

"This, babe I won't ever get use to your kisses." She kissed her on her cheek. "I meant coming home to you and Miggy having His own room in our big House. Us sharing every mornings together. Me, bringing you breakfast in bed. Our long nights of making love in our soundproofed bedroom" at this last comment Jade blushed pinching Althea's nose "what? You can be so loud sometimes LabLab." Both loaughed. Jade aske seriously out of the blue "Would you move in with me Althea?"

Love again [on hold]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora