My All

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Hola guys

Here goes another chapter just for you.

This chapter contains lot and lot of S** so be careful, you fragile hearts, 

Prohibited for minors lol

Enjoy Folks


I'd give my all to have

Just one more night with you

I'd risk my life to feel

Your body next to mine

'Cause I can't go on

Living in the memory of our song

I'd give my all for your love tonight

Click. Click. Click.

Squeezing her eyes shut tighter, Jade sighed contently as felt herself reaching consciousness. Lifting her eyes open slowly, Jade smiled softly at Althea, who was kneeling on the hard wood floor with her camera raised and pointed directly at her gf.

J: "What are you doing?"

Making a move to get up, Jade stopped when Althea shook her head and held her hand up, motioning for her to stay put.

A: "Don't move. Stay right there."

Click, Click. Jade grimaced as Althea took another picture of her, pulling the sheet more up over her naked body.

J: "No, Lab. I look-"

A: "Beautiful." Althea cut her off, lowering her camera and smiled at her, "You are stunning. Now stay still or you're going to ruin my future wall decor of my office."

Althea warned her before once again snapping a few pictures. Giving up, Jade laid her head back down on the pillow, letting Althea snap a few more photos.

J: "Wait, you are not going to put these in you office right?." Jade suddenly caught on to what Althea said

A: "I'm thinking about it. You are a great model you know that" Althea smiled, lowering her camera to adjust the lens

J: "Tell me you're jocking right now. I do not want your employees to oggle over my naked body."

A: "Like I would ever show off photos of you naked." Althea scoffed, a smirk rising on her lips "Those ones are going into my private collection."

Jade laughed, burying her face into her pillow. Grinning, Althea lifted her camera once again, taking a few more shots of Jade's smile. Done being a model, Jade lifted her head up off the pillow, holding the white sheet tightly against her chest with one hand, holding the other out to Althea. "Come over here."

Setting her camera to the side Althea rose to her feet, taking a hold of Jade's hand, letting her pull her down onto the mattress with her. Her lips met Jade's immediately, her hand slipping beneath the sheets.

J: "Hey Lab" Jade's breath on her ear sent a shiver down Althea's back

A: "Hi My Love"

J: "How long have you been up?" Jade asked, trying not to lose herself as Althea's hand skimmed her thigh

A: "Not long, 20 minutes maybe. I was just going to a drink but I got distracted." Althea told her, kissing the skin beneath her ear

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