Trouble in paradise?

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Heya folks!

Thanks to all of you whom read my story and welcomed it so dearly. Again special thanks to my support and my beautiful fiancée, my inspiration. Sorry if I made many mistakes. I'm improving my grammar through this experience

So here we go with a new update.

Bonne lecture!

Comment/vote! and remarks


There's trouble in paradiseMy turtle doves changing wingsThere's trouble in paradiseThe birds no longer sing
Some devil told my angelA lot of liesAnd now my tears are fallingLike raindrops from the sky

***Althea's office***


"Bonjour Althea. It's been a long time". She recognize the voice and she bounced her head to where the sound came  from. Surprised and uneased, she offered to Cathleen an half smile and greeted her "Hey. What are you doing here?"

C: "Wow way to greet an old friend who has been more than a just a friend". Cathleen was a bit hurt and tried to hide it by making a smart comment. Althea knew she was a bit rude. She just didn't expect her to be there and she immediately felt bad for Jade. Not that she's done anything to felt like that. It's just that everything were beautiful and finally falling back at normal and she didn't want Jade to feel theatened because she knew that Jade hasn't got over the act that she was engaged to Cathleen.

A : "I'm sorry Cathy. I just didn't expect you here. How was your trip to Canada?" She tried to act friendly. Hoping that the model won't notice her being distant.

C : "It was good. You know, podiums, shootings bla bla bla... but well I have to come home to y... I mean to my family. How are you doing Althea?"

A: "I'm great. Thanks for asking. You look great. Seems like the weather there suits you perfectly uh." She joked

C: "Are you flirting with me Althea?" She joked back this time getting closer to Althea with a seductive catwalk "You didn't even give me a proper kiss"

Althea wasn't playing cool at all. She was uneased with the closeness. She tried to create more space between the 2 of them by steping back until she hit her desk, she stuttered "Cath, stop that please. That ship has sailed and sinked." She put a hand up to prevent Cathleen to move any closer. The french girl noticed something changed in her ex, she knew there were something new in her life but she couldn't put a word on it.

They've separated in good terms and decided to stay friends even if the break up came from Cathleen, she secretely still loved Althea very much. She tried to move on with other women and men but her heart lied where the short haired where.

She came back hoping to get back with Althea. She was hoping that deep inside Althea still feels a hint of love. She could manage not being the love of her life. She could manage with the 2nd place, she just wanted to be in her arms again.

Instead of respecting the boundaries they've settled back when they became friends, she just came with all the rush and determined to get Althea back.

On the other hand, Athea knew that it was now or never. She had to tell her already that she got back with the infamous Jade as Cathleen used to referred to her love.

Althea's body stiffened the closer Cathleen get to her. Her throat became tight and her fingers gripped the table behind her.

Cathleen Heussaff. In the flesh in front of her. Showing off plenty of it. Her long legs exposed underneath the knee length skirt she was wearing. Her blouse unbuttoned just enough to show off cleavage. The same smirk on her face, the one she wears anytime that she's up to something not good.

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