Chapter One: Mendez Drama

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"Did you hear about Jordan?" My bestfriend Tamara asks me as we sit in the living room of my three bedroom home.

I've known Tamara since I was 6. We were in the same first grade class together and could not be separated. We were like two peas in a pod, still are. She has light brown skin that is blemish free. Her hair is naturally shoulder length, but she wears weave that is down to the middle of her back because she thinks that short hair isn't for her.

I shake my head, "Nah, what happened?"

"Word has it, he got jumped by Mendez's crew. Apparently he owed Mendez some money and you know Mendez wasn't having that."

Another thing about Tamara was that she was a huge gossip queen. Everything that happened in South Valley, she knew about within the first five minutes it happened.

"That's such a shame. I just saw Jordan last night at the summer kick off party." I get up to grab the remote of the coffee table that's in the middle of the room. "At least he won't be trying trying to hit on me anymore. I've told that boy no more times than I can count and he still keeps coming back."

"Who wouldn't, Gabs, you're fine as fuck. I don't know how many times I have to tell you this. Shit, if I didn't love dick so much I'd try to holla at you," Tamara says.

I roll my eyes at her craziness, "Girl, boo. You're a fool."

As I get up to go to the bathroom I hear Tamara ask me where I'm going.

"To the bathroom, damn. You wanna hold my hand as I pee?" I turn around to face her and raise my eyebrows.

She gives me a short glare, "Damn, i was just asking. No need to be rude."

I chuckle and continue to make my way to the bathroom. Once I'm inside and finished taking care of my business, I stare into the mirror. I never thought I was an ugly girl, I just never thought that I was 'fine as fuck' as Tamara would say.

I stand at 5'2 1/2, which I think is a pretty normal height, although people are always calling me short. I have brown skin, not too dark, but not too light, either. My eyes where big and brown. Nothing too special. They were the same brown as every other black person. My hair naturally fell in tight ringlets framing my face. It is about shoulder length and has been this length my whole life. As far as my body type went, I wasn't small. I guess I could call myself thick because of my big thighs, butt, and boobs. My stomach wasn't flat, a had a little bit of pudge, but that's commom for girls now a days.

Walking out of the bathroom I hear my mom speaking to Tamara.

"All these damn gangs taking over. This is why I want you and Gabrielle to get out if this damn city. South Valley ain't shit." Is what I hear my mom say to Tamara when I walk into the kitchen.

"What are you ranting about now, momma?" I ask

"These damn hoodlums running the street these days. I want you and Tamara to get out of this city. I'm proud of y'all, focusing on school and going to community college in the fall instead of becoming some drug addict or stripper," she says as she continues making dinner.

I look at Tamara, giving her a look that says we need to get out of the kitchen. When my mom starts her rants it's like she won't shut up. She can talk about one topic for hours.

"Shit," my mom yells, "I forgot to pick up some milk from the store."

She stares at me and I already know what she wants. "Of course I'll go to the store for you, momma."

She gives me a big smile, "Well aren't you a dear. Pick me up some milk, cheese, and eggs." She hands me the money and shoos me and Tamara out of the kitchen

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