Mwah Mwah

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Later that day Emma was in her Biology class, scribbling down notes on her notebook as Mr. Nimphus went on with the lesson.

She was watching the professor draw little sketches and jot down words with short descriptions when she felt the tingle of vibration in the back pocket of her jeans.

She checked that Mr. Nimphus had his back to the classroom before pulling her phone out and looking at the lock screen.

Killian: I'm waiting out in the hall for you.

Her fingers flew over the keyboard and she shot back a quick text.

Emma: What? Why?

Killian: Get out of class. It's important.

"Ms. Swan?"
She looked up, the middle aged, short, fat university scholar before her, "Is this class not important enough for you to pay some attention."

"Sorry," Emma said, "My friend's in a wheelchair and he needs my help getting places. May I excuse myself?" It wasn't a total lie, he did need a chair but she knew by fact that he was out there on his feet.

"Go ahead. But it'll be at the expense of your learning." He said walking away from her desk.

She rolled her eyes standing up and going out the door, seeing Killian leaning against the wall contently.

"What is it? I have class." She stepped up to him and crossed her arms.

"About this morning..."

"Killian." She sighed heavily and let her hands hang at her sides as she threw her head back, "I can't do this right now."

"I'm sorry I tried to kiss you. I was out of line I just thought it was what you wanted, isn't it?" He looked at her.

She wanted it, so damn much. But she couldn't let herself give in to this, if she lost him she's not sure she could live with herself knowing she was the cause of it all.

"I don't know."

"What about having feelings for me? Did they just vanish?"

"No, of course not I just-Killian I really need to get back to class."

"You're avoiding the topic." He stepped closer to her.

Her breath hitched in her throat at the sudden invasion of space, "Why are you so scared of giving this a chance?"

"Because I don't want to lose you." She said impulsively and locked her gaze with his.

He searched her eyes for a moment, then he cupped her cheeks and leaned in claiming her mouth in a stolen kiss.

She put her hands at his sides, wanting to push him away but her fingers just ended up curling into his shirt and pulling him closer.

The kiss itself was sweet. The gentle, lazy brush of their lips intertwining, a flutter within her belly making her forget everything about their friendship. His thumb stroking her skin as her hands wondered to the small of his back.

His mouth parted against hers and she only got to feel the brief contact of his tongue against her lower lip before she pulled back, "I really did need to get to class." Her voice was soft.

"Hush." He whispered and their lips were collided once again, more intense and heated while he turned her and backed her up against the wall, his fingers drifting from her face to the wall on either side of them.

She let herself go and melted in his arms, stopping any attempts of staying on the tips of her toes so she could reach him, instead she just tilted her head up and put herself flush against him, hip to hip, chest to chest, her nails clutching the material of his shirt at the base of his spine.

He drew his face back inches away from hers, tugging her bottom lip with his teeth in the process then releasing it, the action pulling a weak moan from her throat. He placed one final peck on her before moving back and resting his forehead on hers, noses nudging together softly.

"You... motherfucker." She breathed.

He smiled and and took a few steps back watching her chest heave lightly, cheeks flushed, lips puffy and a darker shade of pink than usual, "See you next class."

She watched him walk away, leaving her there with a million questions filling her mind, heart pounding against her ribcage.

After a minute or so, she brushed a hand through her hair, took a deep breath and headed back to class, the only thought on her mind being him. And the damn way he kissed her. So desperate, so full of ecstasy and lust that she didn't know how the hell to act around him now.
They've kissed three times in the past month and each one had been pure rush and hunger.

When she entered the room all eyes were on her, she quietly went and sat down in her seat, taking her pen back and continued writing down the notes the professor was giving, glad he didn't question her when she returned.

Fifteen minutes later she was heading to art class, she had that one at the end of the day instead of the morning since their schedules switched during the days of the week.
She arrived on time and looked at the table that was third in the first row, Killian, in his usual spot which was right next to her. Great.

He was leaning back in his seat, arm thrown over the back of her chair and a confident smirk on his face.

"Idiot." She said silently to herself and went forward, pulling out the chair and sitting down, putting her bag on her lap and hugging it to her chest with one arm.


"Shut up."

He put his arms up, faking surrender and shifted his upper body forward, leaning his elbows on the desk and putting his attention to the front board.

She watched him from her spot, his fingers tapping against his jawline rhythmically, eyes darting back and forth scanning the room, hair messy and parted to the right, leather jacket adjusted perfectly to his body.

"Quit staring, love."

She rolled her eyes and kicked his leg with her foot, "I'm not staring."

"Well I don't blame you." He looked back to her, "I can understand how difficult it must be to keep your eyes off of all this."

"Not much to look at." She retorted smartly.

He glared at her and leaned in, capturing her lips once again in a kiss that will defiantly leave his taste lingering for a while.

Seriously? Was her thought as she kissed back, not objecting one bit.

Lot of kissing, but it doesn't mean happy couple crap from here on out.

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