Living With Ruby

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Later after Emma's bold revelation of her feelings for Killian, she packed up her things - tears in her eyes as she did so - and took them to Ruby's place. But not before telling Killian not to call, text, or talk to her even at school, saying she needed some time alone.
At first he protested, but then answered a simple, "As you wish."
Then she left.

She's been sleeping at Ruby's for a week, and honestly, she misses her apartment. Emma was messy, but Killian always forced her to pick up after herself. At least with that sort of encouragement, the place was clean. But Ruby's was constantly filled with shoes kicked around the floor, articles of clothing slung over the couch, and make up over the bathroom and kitchen counters. Emma was sleeping on the couch, so it was a pain to toss all of Ruby's clothes aside to the floor before laying down. Though she had no other option, she didn't want to live Killian, not anymore.

It was getting too complicated. Her high school friends were right after all.
And she also couldn't just stop paying the apartment he was living in and get one for herself, she didn't hate him.

In fact, she missed him.

The annoying things he usually did were now something she wanted him to do. She wanted him to shout at her in the morning until she awoke, and she wanted to fight over the only restroom with him. I mean, she actually missed him giving her long speeches on responsibility.

All those little things were something she had gotten used to, so used that she wants to go back.

But she couldn't. Everything would wreck.

The memory of his reaction when she told him about her feelings was still there, freshly painted in her mind. His eyes showed both shock and remorse. Guilt because he had asked and pushed instead of leaving it be. Then he tried to be understanding and ease kind words out of his lips, but all that came out were jumbled phrases of "I'm sorry," and "I didn't mean to."

That's when she shook her head, said it was fine, and packed up.

Now, she was slouching on the beaten down navy blue couch, TV playing some boring show she didn't care enough to pay attention to.
That's when Ruby walked in with most likely the worst news she'd ever receive.

"Emma, Killian's in the hospital."

"What?" She stood up instantly.

"He got in a car accident, Liam called and said that he's in surgery."

"Did he tell you what happened!?"

"No, just that."

"Then take me to the hospital right now." She grabbed her bag, tears welling in her eyes while heading to the door, Ruby behind her.

They both ran down to the car and hopped in driving off.

While they were getting closer to the hospital, Emma began worrying, her hands laced together and against her lips, silently praying he'd be alright.

"Oh god I hope he's okay. What if he's not okay?"

"He's fine, Emma. Shut up." Ruby sighed, internally worrying herself while keeping her eyes firmly on the road.

Emma closed her eyes again, once again praying to a God she's not sure she believed in.

When they got there she hastily went up to the counter, "Killian Jones."

"Relation?" The lady asked smartly, hair brown and brushed into a tight bun. Red lipstick marking her lips and black lining her eyes.


"I'm sorry miss, we only allow family."

"Lady, this is my best friend okay? His brother and I are all he's got. So unless this is some major hospital thing you let me in right now or I'll make sure you get fired."

The attendant sighed and clicked a few keys on her keyboard, "He's still in surgery, so no one can see him. But you can sit down and wait for news."

"Do you know why he's in surgery?" Ruby spoke up.

"Something about internal bleeding, not sure. Like I said, sit and wait."

Emma glared at her before stomping off into the waiting area, "I hate hospital workers."

She spotted Liam and went over to him, Ruby behind her, "Is he okay? What happened?"

"They only told me he hit his head and that he damaged the lining of his stomach or something? I don't know it was all big medical talk." His eyes stood out, it always struck her how he resembled Killian so much.

"But will he be okay?"

"All they said was that they'd do their best." He sighed.

"Liam, I need to see him." Emma begged.

"He's in surgery. I know you're scared but you ought to calm down."

She couldn't imagine losing him. And especially when the last thing she told him was, "Leave me alone."
She wouldn't be able to live with herself.

The hours ticked by, and all she did was worry. Sitting in one of those wooden chairs with the patted backs, arms around her drawn up knees as she waited for the doctor that was supposedly named John, what kind of last name is that? John?
But weird names were the least of her concerns, she needed to see him. See that he was breathing and tell him that she's sorry for all of the commotion that had been caused.

Waiting. That's the worst thing to do.

It only makes the inevitable thoughts grow in your mind, ridiculous things that would never happen but you're still scared of them because you just don't know. And that's all you want.

And these thoughts increased by the second in her head. And after Ruby went back home and she was alone with Liam, she felt part of the little reassurance she had left fade out.

Four hours and exactly 26 minutes later, yes she counted, the doctor came striding into the seating area, not a care shown on his face, "Liam Jones?"

Emma shot up with Liam and walked over to him, "Is he..?" He asked.

"He's going to be alright, Mr. Jones."

She left this heavy weight lift off her chest, and suddenly she could catch her breath again. "Can we go see him?"

"Of course, he's in 107. Just know he's still a little drugged from when we put him to sleep."

"Alright, thank you so much Dr. John." Liam said before grabbing Emma's forearm and walking to the room.

She could see him clearly through the glass door, and her heart broke at the sight, he looked wrecked.

They both walked inside and Emma was first to approach his bed, looking at his closed eyelids waiting for them to open, and they did once she grabbed his hand.

Shimmering blue eyes popping out from beneath them.

"Emma." His voice was hoarse, almost sounded dry.

She attempted saying something, but no words came out, her mouth just opened and closed and then she leaned down and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him into a tight hug.

"I'm so glad you're okay."

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