Jason Grace x Reader (Brain Tumour) Part 2 (Final)

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"Percy, you weren't there when she said goodbye. As soon as the words were said, I felt as if my heart shattered into pieces. I remember not too long ago, I was telling her that I don't want to lose her, and there she goes saying goodbye. Can you even imagine how I felt? It's like a part of me just died as soon as she said the word." He didn't say anything for a while as silence once again filled the air.

"You love her, don't you?" Percy said after a few minutes. My eyes widened in shock, but all I did was nod my head.

"Yeah, I love her more than anything in this world. My heart belongs to her and that's why it hurts so much." He placed his hand on my shoulder and said,

"Then what are you doing standing here talking to me? If you love her, then find her and tell her."

"But, what if..." I began to say, but he cut me off.

"No, don't you dare think negative. If you want to fix things, start by telling her how you truly feel." All I did was nod my head, said goodbye and ran out of the sword arena, desperate to find Y/n and tell her how I truly feel about her and that I will stay by her side, whether she has Cancer or not. 'I promise you Y/n, I will never leave your side. I love you too much to ever leave you.' I thought as I searched for Y/n.

End of POV

'Why?' I thought. 'Why couldn't he just respect that I didn't want to tell him? Why did he push me to tell him what was wrong? Why didn't he consider how I might've felt?' I had so many questions, but no answers. Anyway, I ran and ran until I eventually came to my cabin. I ran straight in and slammed the door, going straight to my bed, hoping to just forget about everything, even for just a little while. I was about to close my eyes, but was stopped when I felt the bed dip. I looked to see who it was and saw that it was Will. All I did was sit up and wrapped my hands around him, crying into his chest. Will didn't say a word, all he did was stroke my hair and whispered soothing words in my ear. After a few minutes of silence, Will spoke up and said in a soft voice,

"Y/n, what happened?"

"I ran into Jason when I was at the sword arena and as soon as I saw him, I was about to walk away. But then, he saw me and grabbed my hand, turning me around to face him. As soon as I felt his hand, I pulled away and he had a look of hurt on his face. He asked me if everything is ok and I said that it's fine and that I was going to go. He accepted it and asked if we could hang out later, but all I said was goodbye. He asked me what I meant by goodbye, because it sounded like I never wanted to see him again. We went back and forth and I eventually told him that the problem isn't him, but it's me. I also said that he is the most important person to me and because of that I am saying goodbye. He wanted me to tell him what was wrong so he could fix it, but I didn't want to say a thing. He went on and said that he is my best friend and that he deserves to know and eventually, I snapped. I told him what was wrong and all he could do was look at me in shock. I said to him that I hope his happy now and before he could say anything, I ran." Will was about to say something, but then there was a knock on the door. Will got up to answer and before he did I said,

"If that's Jason, please don't tell him I'm here. I don't want to see him."


"Please Will." I begged. He gave me a look of defeat and nodded his head, then he answered the door. I got up from my bed and hid somewhere near the door, where I can hear the conversation.

Heroes of Olympus x Reader One Shots (Percy Jackson Fanfiction) DISCONTINUED Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα