(CH 9)Something Worth Living for

Start from the beginning

Allison nodded in reply.

“Is your apartment nice, Eric?” came a small voice from the backseat, but it seemed to shock them both.

Eric was momentarily caught off guard. He hadn’t expected Chloe to ask anything. He figured that she was just listening.

“Yes, I think you’ll like it. I do. It’s close to the sea.” Chloe smiled at that, “It has two bedrooms, a living area, with a kitchen. It has lots of space; maybe someday you can even come and visit me, but when you’re ready of course.”

Chloe said no more and Eric wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or a bad one. But as he looked over at Allison, just as they pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant, the encouraging look she sent him said he was definitely doing a good job so far.

As Allison got out of the car and helped Chloe out the back, he took a minute to let out a breath he hadn’t even realised he was holding.

Let’s hope that things get better inside, he thought as he got out of the car and walked up to the restaurant, and held open the door for Allison and Chloe to enter.


Things hadn’t been that bad, Allison conceded, as she watched Eric watch their daughter as she happily munched on her slice of pizza. She could see that he was still a bit shaky when it came to starting a conversation with Chloe, but there was no doubt that once she began talking, Eric’s attention was solely focused on her.

When they’d been seated, they’d hurriedly scanned the menu and much to Eric’s delight and surprise, Chloe enjoyed the same kind of pizza he did. Chloe was grinning like crazy when Eric too asked if they could the pepperoni pizza, and they both grimaced when Allison asked for extra garlic. They were too much alike, something that had once annoyed and freaked Allison out, but now… now she couldn’t be more delighted at the fact that they enjoyed the same foods.

It had really helped relieve some of the remaining tension, which had followed them from the car, and encouraged Chloe to talk openly with Eric.

Allison had sat back and watched them. She only answered when a question was directed at her, not wanting to break whatever seemed to fall over this table.

In the short time that it took for them to get their food, Chloe had told Eric all about her teddy bear, some of her resent favourite things and some of the things she wanted to do this summer.

Eric had looked awed and Allison could see that he took it all in, completely, but slowly, falling under Chloe’s spell.

When their food finally arrived, Allison thought that Chloe would now slow down and enjoy her meal, but much her surprise and Eric’s, Chloe kept on, only stopping to take a bite of her pizza, chew and swallow. It was a comfort to see that she was getting on so well with Eric, but after a while even he started to look scared.

She knew that there was no way he would remember everything that Chloe told him today and had done him a great service by telling him that most of the things she told him about changed within a few weeks, so there was no need to look so alarmed if he couldn’t remember her favourite television show. He’d thanked her with one of his winning smiles, looking completely relieved by this making Allison laugh.

It was weird, actually, to hear her laugh. It had seemed like such a long time ago when she’d really laughed or felt this happy.

Eric beamed as her contagious laughter filled his ears and found him smiling at her. For a moment it felt as if they were a real family, as if years and years never separated them. If anyone looked at them now, they would see just that.

Something Worth Living For (Watty Awards 2011)Where stories live. Discover now