Road Trip: Part 5

Start from the beginning

"What are ya doin'?" she whispered. "That maniac's gotta gun." She came out from behind him and said, "Ah ain't lettin' ya do this."

"Hey," the man said. "Where do you think you're going? I said hands in the air."

Remy made a move towards him, but Rogue stopped him. "No, Remy, don't."

Before anybody knew what was going on, the robber grabbed Rogue. Remy's eyes burned behind his glasses. "Anybody moves," the robber said, "or she gets it."

"No," Rogue cried. "Let me go."

Remy was beyond livid. He pulled out a playing card from his pocket. It burned hot in his hand. Instinctively he threw it at the robber. It landed a few inches away and exploded throwing him off guard. Rogue bit the man on the arm and flipped him over on his side. When he was on the ground she kicked him twice.

"That'll teach ya, scum," she said. "Ain't no way t'treat a lady." She kicked him again just to make sure he was out cold.

Remy ran up to her. "You alright, chere?"

"Yeah," she said. "But what did ya think you were doing? Coulda got us both killed."

"Hey, you," the clerk yelled from the other side of the counter. "I saw what ya did. You one of them damn muties, aren't ya? Get outta my store ya damn freaks."

"We just stopped ya from getting' robbed, ya dumb ass," Rogue yelled at him.

"Get out, yah mutie whore," the clerk yelled back.

"Hey, dat no way t'speak to a lady."

"Both a ya outta my store, or when the cops get here they'll arrest you too. All ya damn muties should be locked up. Now, get out!"

Remy picked up their bag ready to leave at the man's insistence.

"Yea, yea. We be goin'. Ya should be t'ankin' us for savin' ya ass," Remy yelled. He turned back and said, "Member dat next ya get robbed."

They both swiftly walked out of the store. Rogue was in tears by the time they were outside. "Hey, chere, don't listen t'dat guy. He stupid."

"When's it gonna end!" she yelled. "Thought it would be over when ah..."

"Come on, chere, we can' stay here."

She dried her eyes and got back on the bike. She was quiet as they went up and down the streets looking for a descent hotel to stay in. "Dis place look good," Remy said. Still Rogue said nothing. "Ya alright, chere?"

"Yeah," she said, a quietness to her voice. "So are we stoppin' here?"

He got off the bike and helped her down as well. "Only if ya be wantin' too."

"No, it's fine. Besides, ah could use a shower."

"Me too, cause ah'm takin' you out tonight. Give me an excuse ta see ya in dat dress."

"Ohh, is that ya angle. Alright, Cajun, but no fast food. Ya takin' me someplace nice." He grabbed their bags off the bike. She took his arm and they walked into the hotel together.

It was a small place, a bed and breakfast type setting. It was definitely an improvement from the last place they had stayed. Remy came up to the front desk and requested a room. The clerk at first looked at him a little funny. He guessed it was because of his glasses, but he had gotten used to that. That didn't even bother him anymore. It seemed Rogue was in a better mood by the time they got to the hotel room. She was actually smiling. It was only one o'clock and she hoped to get a few hours' sleep before they went out that night.

"Ya hungry, chere?" he asked her.

"No, not really, after what happen at the convenience store ah kinda lost my appetite." That sullen look returned to her face.

"Ya don' have t'be t'inkin' 'bout dat. Dat guy be an asshole."

She smiled as she put her arms around him. "Well," she said. "This place is nice. So, where yah takin' me t'night?"

"Ya say ya wanna do dancin' den dat what we do."

"I'm really tired, Remy. Ah think ah get few hours' sleep. Ya don' wanna see me snorin' on the dance floor."

He started laughing as the picture formed in his mind. Rogue laughed too after thinking the same thing. Remy went into the bathroom to clean up. He looked in the mirror not being able to believe his luck. He still couldn't believe someone so beautiful and sweet would be here with someone like him, especially after the trouble he put her through. When he emerged out of the bathroom she was already fast asleep. He couldn't help but stare at her. She was so beautiful lying there. She was like a helpless little bird that he wanted to take care of.

He was tired also and thought he should get some sleep as well. He went over to the other bed and crawled beneath the covers. Thoughts of Rogue sent him into sleep. It was nearly six o'clock before Rogue awoke. She was a little groggy, but a shower would fix that. She always felt better after a shower.

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