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Can we please
Take a moment for this 👆🏼👆🏼☝🏼️☝🏼
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Jessica pov

Tyler and I talked for hours after the kiss. He was really nice and kind to me. I told him every thing from my childhood to my last suicide attempt, I wasn't the only one sharing though. Tyler told me about how he was bullyed in school and how it got better. Also how bad it got but now he only gets call emo, and how some people tell me to go 'cut himself'

"Okay now tell me is Ricky gay and does he like Ryan"

"Why don't you go ask him yourself" I said

"Why cant you just tell me" Tyler said with a puppy dog face

"I tell you if you answer me one question" I said which he nodded rapidly. "Why did you kiss me?"

"cause your pretty" he said

"really your fucking got to be kidding me" I said "Tyler I've now you long enough to now when you tell a lie"

"you really want to now" Tyler said

" well I did asked, so please" I said

"but don't call me emotional, or gay for saying this because its true" he said

"okay and I would never say that cause you mean to much to me and I trust you"

"all right here we go"

" the reason I kissed you was because when I saw you, I saw a shy, scared girl who want answer of question that were never asked. nobody saw the pain you were in and I saw it. I new the question you want the answer to and I saw someone alone in the dark that need a light to show them a way out, but most of all I saw you, Jessica and that's all you want people to see when they look at you"

I brushed away the tear that had fell to my check. He, Tyler saw me as myself and just as myself. I moved in closer to Tyler's ear and said softly "thank you."

We started into each others eyes and without wasting a second our lips were together moving perfectly as if they were made for each other. Tyler pushed me onto the bed without breaking the kiss. I slid my tongue against his bottom lip being for an entrance. To which he bit my lip and pulled on it which caused a moan escape my lips.

Tyler pulled me up and sat on the bed with my legs wrapped around his waist. He kiss down my lips to my chin to my neck, then to my ear and kiss my earlobe. He kiss and nibble at my neck making sure to leave a mark. After leaving his mark he moved to my lips and slid his tongue in without a fight.

He tasted of Lays original chip and lemonade. While his tongue explore my mouth my hands were holding on to him as if my life depended on it. As perfect as it was I guess someone sense it was to perfect the open the door.

"Hey can I use the charg- Oh shit sorry" Kuza said I pulled away from Tyler and sat on the bed nex to him. When Kuza leaves there an awkward silence. Until Tyler starts laughing which cause's me to laugh.

THEN [dun dun dun dun]

The door opens and reveals a angry Chris but once he spotted Tyler if looks could kill. I think I would be getting ready for a funeral. Tyler stood up as I pushed myself to the back bored off the bed and pulled my knees to me. "Her first day here and you already kiss her and try to have sex, your an animal!!!!!! " Chris yelled.

"Are you mad that she kissed me on not you"

Chris got from angry to I'm going to kill you. " oh she has a name that is Jessica" Tyler said. By now all the guys were at the door or in the room. When Ricky spotted me, he ran over and hugged me.

"p-pani-c at-ttac-k" I studer to Ricky. He widen his eyes and held me strong. Chris and Tyler made it worst by yelling at each other. I repeated "stop" an it only got louder. I finally gave up trying to stop myself.

"STOP!!!!!!!!!" I yelled and ran out of the room, the house, to my room. I blocked the door with empty boxes and cryed.


I need help please

1. youtube video ideas

2. losing weight

3. I just finish my hw it took about 3 hours but I can update in 15min

4. stories ideas

please help

[on knees begging for help]

love you lots


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