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I'm trying to get this book finished and start part 2.


I just told you there's a sequel.


Chris pov

Jessica has been out the hospital for two months and she's recovering. I still feel back, I mean she doesn't want to tell me but I know she did it because of me.

May. It's such a lovely time of year. It's spring with a hint of summer. And to make it better summer is Jessica's favorite season.

"Chris, Chris!" Jess waved infront of me. I blinked and realized that it was lunch.

"Yeah." I said turning to her. "Vinny. This is Vinny." Jessica said pointing to the guy infront of us.

"Oh hey. I heard your funny." I said


After our last class of the day, we walked home laughing and talking. As soon as we pulled turned the corner Ricky and Jessica froze.

A blue car was infront of their house and their uncle was talking to a man and woman. The looked over and the woman bursted into tear.

She ran over and hugged Jessica, the man came over and hugged Ricky. "Jessica are you okay, Richard did you take them." The lady said.

"Mom, I'm okay, it was two months ago. Mom I'm fine." Jess said looking at the lady.

"Who took you guys." Ricky asked the man.

They looked up and looked in my direction. "Christopher right." The man said.

"You told my parents." Jess said, causing me to nodded.

Jess sighed and turned to them, "see I'm fine, my boyfriend told you. Please don't make this a big deal."

"Jessica please come with us. Richard not you." Her dad said and pulled her inside.


We sat on the couches for about 20 minutes and all we heard was yelling. Ricky had a few tears leaving his eyes, Ryan hugged him and calmed him down.

"Jessica I don't care what you think or say I'm your mother!!!!!!" Then the door opened.

"We'll be back by the end of June after school, be ready to leave." You mom said then walked out with her husband behind her.

Ricky ran to Jessica room, I stood then went in. Jess was on the floor crying, Ricky held her as his handed ran down her hair.

"What happened?" Ricky asked when she was calmer.

"I'm moving with them for the summer and probably until I graduate." Jess said, I kneeled next to her, she looked up at me and left Ricky's arm.

She held on to me, "Chris I'm so sorry." Jessica said.

"It's okay." I said and cuddle her.


Jess was fast asleep in my arm. Ricky left after she went to sleep. Which was about 15 minutes ago. I stood for the floor and placed her in her bed.

I closed the door and called my mom.


Mom it's me Chris, can I stay at Kuza's for the night.

Yeah just make sure your home this weekend.

Okay, bye love

Bye love you.

I hung up the phone and walked to the back. Kuza, Ricky and Ryan are sitting in the couches watching the Nightmare before Christmas.

"Um can I stay over." I asked Kuza which he nodded. "Yeah, but you and Jess can share a room." He said

"Have you and Morgan shared rooms." I asked then sat next to Ryan. Ricky chuckle and looked at Kuza

"Have you guys." Ricky asked and Kuza sighed. Ryan and I chuckled.

"Have you and Ryan shared rooms." Kuza asked him causing Ricky to go pink and Ryan to pull him in, trying to cover Ricky's blushing face.

"Yes but to cuddle. We wait for the write moment." Ryan said kissing Ricky's head.


I woke up to a weight land on me, I opened my eyes and saw Jess sitting on me.

"Hey." She said she with a giggle.

"Hey." I said and wiped my eyes, "what time is it?" I asked sitting up.

" almost 8:30." Jess said getting off of me and sitting on the bed. "Why are you up?" I asked

"Parents want to take me out for breakfast." Jess said getting up from the bed and walked to her room.

"Wait, stay and cuddle with me." I said flopping back on the bed.

"No and your mom called you five times, she wants you over for breakfast, you have to meet the neighbors." She said and closed the door.


Jessica pov

I sat across my from my mom and dad, still shock at what they told me. "You want me to break up with my boyfriend  just so I can stay with my uncle."

"Look, I now you love him but if he's the reason your taking medicine, then yes, or you can come live with us, your aunt has room for one more person." My mom said

" I don't want to leave!" I yelled getting a couple of looks.

"If you don't, we no you are going to move back to Seattle!" My mom yelled

"Fine." I said then walked to the bathroom. I locked myself in a stall and cryed.


7 more chapters.

If you follow me on Instagram. On my Twitter I've got a lot of questions about Adam

Adam is my best friend and he is gay. We have this thing that we like to make people believe we're dating.

Ashley 🦁

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