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Gabrielle 👆🏼👆🏼👆🏼
She is so 😫😫😫😫


2 weeks later

"It's my last day." Angelo said as he sat down next to me

"It's okay, will be keep in touch." I said as Chris took a seat next to me, "I feel like I've know you forever but it's only been four months."

"Same here." Ricky said with Ryan next to him. They sat down to me and Chris.

I'm so glad they worked things out. I don't think they would last a day without each other.

"Today!" Chris said pulling me out of my thought. "Today, all of us, we're going to make Angelo have the best day today. You in."

"Yes" we all said

"Yes, what?" Balz asked with Ryan-Ashley, Ghost, Kylie l, Harper, Morgan, Kuza, and Jade.

"Today we're going to make Angelo have the best day ever." Chris repeated.

"It's the best day ever, best day." Nikki and Ashley sang with Heidi and Carla behind them.

"We're in" they said

'Damn there is a lot of us' I thought

"Yes but it's cool." Chris said, " you speak you thoughts and you don't even now it." Pecking my cheek

I looked around the table full of people and noticed Tyler wasn't here. My phone bing, looking down it was Tyler.

'Come to the library, I found her!!!!!! 😍😍'

'On my way'

I pressed send and jumped up and ran to the library. Pushing passed people and almost falling down.


Once in the library, I looked around for Tyler.

Some thing hit my head and I looked in the direction it came from, Tyler, picking up the pen and walked to him.

"Sorry, come on." Tyler said pulling my arm.

"Look right threw these books, she's the one holding the Edger Allen Poe book." Tyler said.

"Good choice of book." I said which cause him to nod quickly.

Looking threw the books to see a girl with glasses, wearing all black clothing, with black vans, she turned around slightly and I saw her face.

"She's in my art class." I said pulling away from the books.

"Do you guys talk?"

"Yeah, she the only one I talk to."

"What's her name?"

" Gabrielle, I think" I said

"That's so beautiful" Tyler said

"Come on lets go talk to her." I whisper yelled.

"Are you FUCKEN crazy!!" Tyler yelled

"Sr. if you don't be quiet. I'm going to have to kick you out." The librarian said

"Sorry" Tyler said blushing out of embarrassment.

Tyler pov

I looked back and Jess was gone. Turning around, Jess was walking to the same aisle as Gabrielle. I ran to stop her but it was to late.

"Hey um Gabrielle right" Jessica said

"Yeah and your Jessica."

"Yeah and shit were are my manners." Jess said facing me, " this is-"

"Tyler, hi Tyler." Gabrielle said cutting off Jess.

"Hi" I said waving

"You guys would look like a good couple" Jess said

I looked down and was about to walk away when

"Yeah, we would, here my number, call me, we are going out next Friday." Gabrielle said giving me a piece of paper and walking away.

"Your welcome, now come on." Jess said pulling my arm. I went to get my bag and left with a smile on my face.

Chris pov

Jessica left about 30 minutes ago and didn't say anything.

"Has she answered?" Ryan asked

"No." I said

I layed my face on my hands, were the fuck did you go and why didn't you tell me.

"Their she is." Ricky said pointing at the door.

Jess was on Tyler's back and they were both laughing. Tyler had the biggest grind on his face.

When they reach the table Jess jump off Tyler's back and laughed.

"Tyler has something to tell you guys." Jessica said motioning to Tyler

"Thanks to the lovely little girl." Tyler said placing his arm over Jessica shoulder. "I got a date with Gabrielle, thank you so fucken much." He said placing a kiss on Jessica head.

My blood boiled with anger, I stood from my seat and walked out the cafeteria slamming the door after.


I sat in the grass. Someone sat next to me, I didn't pay attention until they placed there hand over mine.

"It's because Tyler kissed my head."

I didn't say anything. Jessica stood up and walked away, "I said yes to you not him!" She yelled at me.


I'm not going to update
Thursday- Sunday morning

I'm going to Mexico and I don't get single or wifi

If I get wifi
I will update
Probably short
But it's something

Ashley 🐚

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