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So cute 👆🏼
Or side.


Chris pov

"Chris, I love my wife but I believe that you are helping Jessica recover."

"So, I can still date her." I asked

"Yes, I will talk to my wife but the only thing I want is for both Ricky and Jessica to be happy."

"Thank you so much Mrs. Olson." I said shaking his hand.

"No problem, goodbye." He said then walked out and to his car. That is right infront of my house.

I pulled out my phone and called Jess. "Chris I told you not to call me." She said

"I just talked with your dad. Please come over." I said


Ring ring

" I got it." I yelled and ran downstairs and opened the door. Jess stood with her earphones, she wore a black hoodie with black jeans and black vans.

"Well I'm here." She said pulling out one of her earphones.

"Um yeah, come in." I said moving to the side and letting her in. I motioned to the my room.

Once in my room she removed her hoodie revealing a Smiths shirt, with no sleeves. Sitting on my bed and looked up at me.

"Your dad came over and told me that we can still date. He only wants you and Ricky to be happy." I said, Jess looked up at me with a confused face.

She stood and hugged me, "I love you." she said, I kissed her check. "I love you"

Lifting her chin with two fingers, I kissed her lips, she melted into the kiss. My hands moved down to her butt and squeeze, causing her to wrap her legs around my waist.

Pushing Jess on the bed and made my way up to her mouth. Our lips met, I felt fireworks go off in my stomach, placing my hands and her thighs make her give out a moan.

"Are you sure." I asked pulling away from her, "yes, Chris I'm ready." She said while nodding her head.

She moved up and kissed my lips, responding back and move down to her neck, her breath hitched and let out another moan.

"Jessica, I can't, I want to but you really want to in my room that's dirty as hell." I said

"Yeah your right." Jess said sitting up and rested her head on my shoulder.

"What now." She asked

"I have movies and popcorn." I said, she nodded. "Choose one and I get the popcorn." I said motioning to my dress that had movies and walked downstairs.

I walked into the kitchen and my dad looked at me, "hey dad." I said then walked to the cabinet.

"Christopher." I turned to my dad who had a smirk, "yes." I asked kind of confused

"Please no sex while me or your mom are here. Also use protection." My dad said causing me to turn a deep shade a pink

"Sorry." I said walking back upstairs with two bags of popcorn and sodas. Opening the door, Jess say with a movie in her hand

" Nightmare on Elm Street, go, you know my dad here you." I said and placed the food on the bed and put in the movie.

"Oh, well I don't know how to respond to that." She said as I sat next to her and pressed play.


By then end of the movie Jess was sleeping in my arms. I grabbed my phone and called Ricky


Ricky I'm taking Jess over

Why can't she come by herself

She fell asleep just opened the door for me please

Sure bye

Bye. I hung up and picked Jess up, walking downstairs and outside. I managed to opened the car door and placed her in.

After I got in I began my drive over listening to Slipknot the way there.


I picked Jess up and kicked the door shut with my foot. I kicked my the door and heard someone running over. Ricky opened the door and let me in, then he opened Jessica room and I placed her on the bed.

Walking out and closing the door. "What were you guys doing?" Kuza's dad asked

"Watching a movie and she fell asleep." I said then walked out. Saying my goodbyes and drove home.


I need to write three more chapters then I'm done. I already finished writing the other three

Ashley 🕷

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