36. Wicked Games

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This is what your all been looking forward to. The text sender is going to be revealed

36. Wicked Games


"Ready, Bellamy?" Mr.sharman looks at me as I roll my eyes.

"I just give me the damn test" I mutter, quickly snatching the paper out of his hand. This should be a short exam considering I studyed my ass off. When this is done, I can go home and prepare for finals that will take place next week. Hopefully, if I finish preparing early, I can convince the teachers to hand me the test ahead of the originally planned time. The faster I get this over with and my grades updated, I can begin applying last minute to schools. Clarke will be so impressed.


I decided to add more hours in my shift for Starbucks, so I can save money for things I need in college.
Although my mom will support me, I want to attempt to not rely on them too often. A friendly girl walks in and clears her throat, reciting her long order from memory. My eyes widen impressed by her talent-like skill. After writing down her specific requests, I begin filling up the cups with her desired coffee, adding extra whipped cream. When I'm done, she gives me the amount due and I slide her drink towards her

"Enjoy" I grin.

Grabbing the rag, I wipe down the counter in a circular motion so they're slick and clean, rid of any dirt or stain.

"Today's a long day, huh?" Haley comments as she continues filling the Java chip bags. We all agree with a mutual sigh.

"So, how's college hunting?"Emily questions, replacing empty syrup bottles.

"Good, I've accepted going to oxford" I smile

"Wow! That's so impressive. congrats girl" my manager temporarily pauses on what she's doing and hugs me before returning to her job.

"Thanks" I breath out. I hum out until I heard another chime ring. I slowly glance up to see who's our next customer. When I spot flat blonde hair and creepy, crazy blue eyes, I cringe.

"What are you doing here?" I ask rudely.

"Wow, great service you have around here. Can I get a warm expresso without being questioned? No wonder you have such bad business." He teases but I see no humer in his words. I take his order and make his order, a simple expresso. He reaches into his pockets.

"Keep the change" he winks but I feel nothing but discomfort as I secure his cash into the register. When I cover his warm plastic cup with a black securing lid and slide it over the counter, he reaches out for my wrist with crazy blue eyes.

"I want to take you with the coffee"


"Come with me" he has no emotions in his words.

"Are you crazy?! There's no way in hell I'd go anywhere with you!" I desperately try to remove myself from his grasp but he only clutches tighter, causing me pain.

"It wasn't an invitation. It was a demand, sweetheart," he twists me, making a surge of soreness shoot up my arm.

"You're sick" I spit "Stay away from me" I struggle in his grip.

"Hey, leave her alone " Haley butts in, approaching me from behind. Chad only tugs on me harder, almost yanking me over the counter. My mind races as my free hand reaches for the coffee I just placed on the counter. without a second thought, I slip the cap off with one hand and dumps in content onto him. The scorching drink burns him and I notice his light skin turns pink, nearing red as he screams and releases me.

Teenage Dirtbag//Bellarke [EDITING]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin