25. Just Say It

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Decided to add a part where Bellamy finds out about octavia and Lincoln. I'm sorry if it's a short chapter. Still hope you enjoy! I
really like this story.

25. Just Say It.


It's Christmas Eve and I'm wrapped into bellamy. His legs are wrapped around my legs and his arms are protectively around my waist tightly but not to tight where he can suffocate me. I kept switching back and forth, it was kinda hard. I opened my eyes noticing I won't be able to get sleep considering I'm not to tired anymore. I sat up and turned to look at Bellamy who's sound asleep. I'm at my place right now because bellamy wanted me to stay. He hasn't really much spend time with his friends and octavia because he's always around me. I slowly unattached his limbs off of me and replaced them with my pillow. I slowly got out of bed having my feets connect with the cold hard ground sending shivers down my spine. I tiptoed to the door,opening it slightly to a degree angle and just slided myself through. I'm wearing my pajamas And my hair was pulled up in a tight high bun. My mom came home one night and found a huge mess in the kitchen because we were baking cupcake and my mom came in a middle of cake mix fight, she wasn't to pleased. It was also bad at how she also found out that Bellamy the man who yelled at her when they first met was my boyfriend. She didn't say anything but she will once he left.

I headed downstairs and entered the kitchen,my mom told me that she won't be back today because she's still at work but she will be back for Christmas and I had to get her a present, I got her a perfume, her favorite. Bellamy and I have been doing more couples things lately. Once I grabbed a glass of water, I sipped it down and headed back upstairs to find Bellamy sleeping still.

"Clarke I lumf" the tiny voice escaped his lips and my heart skips a beat once he muffled in the pillow. I never thought that I'll be loving someone and I don't know if I am but, there's no doubt that I'm falling in love with him. He shot his head once he felt my presence wasn't there. He looked around until his eyes landed on mine.

"Baby....What are you doing awake?" He raised an eyebrow, sitting up from the bed, letting out a yawn

" went to get a glass of water, no biggie. How was your sleep?" I bite my bottom lip as he didn't say anything until the words slipped his mouth

"Fine!" He crawls to me and grabs my hand and pulls me in bed with him as I carresed my head onto his chest. I hope one day I'll know what he's thinking about.


I'm so nervous, Bellamy will walk through that door any minute with clarke and I don't know what will happen. I leaned closer toward Lincoln who held my hand for support. The door opens and bellamy and clarke comes inside so happy. Once the door closes, Bellamy eyes dart to mine and Lincoln holding hands.

"What's going on? And why are you holding hands with my little sister?" Bellamy eyes darken, clarke held his biceps to keep him from preventing any injuries and for that, I'm greatful.

"Big brother" I started off calmly before I continued. You can see the fumes coming from his ears. He's was about to explode any minute " Lincoln and I--" I couldn't even finished what I wanted to say because bellamy cut me off

"Lincoln and I. There's no Lincoln and I" his raspy voice pierced through the room. The boys gathered behind Bellamy to help support Clarke

" Big brother, I'm dating Lincoln" I just came out with it and by the reaction I'm getting from Bellamy, this isn't going to end well. His fist balled up and this time the boys had to hold him back because he wanted to punch Lincoln out. The boys aren't very much helping since bellamy is stronger, much stronger.

Teenage Dirtbag//Bellarke [EDITING]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя