04. I Hate You

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04. I Hate You

I'm so fucking bored

I take my gaze off of Bellamy who is working out with his trainer who I believe his name is Murphy. My phone vibrates, I take it out and I see a card icon covering my photo screen, clicking on the icon. The message opens and I notice it my mom.

Sweetheart, I'm going to be at home a little later, I have so much to do. Don't wait up for me, I'm also need to be leaving early so your going to need to find a ride home for school. Momxx

I sigh and put my phone away. Great. The whole house to myself this should be fun.

" I'm done"

I look up and see Bellamy staring at me intensely. He let's out his hand for me to grab and helps me up while I gave a slight smile to his trainer and we leave. I get into his car and I'm already bothered by his music. I looked out the window and my dad comes into my mind. You have no idea how badly I miss him so bad.

" daddy" I asked

He turned around and looked at me with a smile, his arm is snaked around mom's waist as he pulls her in closer.

" Yeah? " he asked

I pouted my lips a little and smiled widely

" I hear the ice cream truck.....Wanna get me a ice cream? " I asked sweetly

" Uh, no" he said so casually making me gasp and pout

" b-b-but why?" I wined making him laugh

He comes closer to me and wraps his arms and picks me up and puts me on his side as he taps my nose lightly that made me giggle

"Let's go get you that ice cream" he said

I clapped my hands together and started laughing.

" what are you thinking about?" Bellamy asked breaking me out of my thoughts.

I looked at Bellamy and then looked away.

" it doesn't concern you" I said coldly

" princess, your mine so what concerns you, concerns me so tell me " he pressured me

" I miss my old life" I suddenly say

" so do i" he said which caught my attention

" what happened to your old life?" I asked

" None of your fucking business" he snaps on me while putting his whole focus back on the steering wheel.

Well sorry for caring.

And you see why I hate him.


I didn't mean to snap at Clarke, I just hate talking about my life. My mom left me to take care of octavia just because she loved drugs more then her own kids. She died not caring for us. Do I hate my mother? Yes. She ruined both of mine and octavia life.

" are you taking me home?" Clarke asked

I didn't answer her Only because I don't feel like talking. I notice she shuffled a little, I gazed up at her, her hair is Down and her pink plump lips and her blue eyes standing out. She looked so beautiful but I could tell something was bothering her.

Teenage Dirtbag//Bellarke [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now